Basic Salary Scales of TSC Chief Principals (T-scale 15) and How To Become One.

210 Principals to Be Charged For Charging Remedial Fees Against Ministry’s Guidelines

210 principals will be arrested and charged for overcharging school fees and burdening the parents with exorbitant levies.

While speaking to the press recently, the National Parents Association chairperson Nicholas Maiyo condemned the act by school heads, saying it was uncalled for and that it was not in accordance with the Ministry of Education guidelines on fee structures.

“As parents,we have a very big problem and as l am talking now, over 200 school heads are charging more fees than that recommended by the Ministry of Education and soon they will be arrested and taken to court. Students in National Schools are supposed to pay Sh45,000 while those in County and extra County schools Sh35,000.Parents should not allow themselves to pay more than that,” said the Chairperson.

Read also:

List of TSC Appointed School Heads Per County

EACC Demands For A List Of heads charging extra fees

TSC To Deduct 1.45% Agency Fees From Non KUSNET Members Salaries Beginning February

New 2021-2022 Revised Fees Structure for Secondary schools Per Category

Maiyo noted some schools have already sent fees structures with charges higher than what the government recommends and that any school head who will be found doing the contrary will face the full force of the law.

“Most of the schools have with things such as bus fees, remedial activity fees in the name of siphoning money from innocent parents, this is uncalled for and they should not agree to such arrangements. Why should parents pay more yet most of them were badly affected by the effects of coronavirus which rendered many jobless,”he added.

He further called on parents to ensure that they pay their fees areas on time for the efficient running of schools.

“I have received information from some schools head that there are some parents who do not pay their fees, this is uncalled for and will paralyze learning and schools activities, let us pay our fees on time,” he said.

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