Ongoing Talks Between SRC and TSC Over 2021-2025 CBA Near a Conclusion

TSC Submits A List Of Subjects That Require Retraining Of Teachers Ahead Of CBC

The teachers service commission, TSC, has submitted to the ministry of education, a list of subjects where there is need for retraining of teachers in preparation for CBC in junior secondary and senior secondary.

The Commission has grounded this action on Article 237 of the Constitution which mandates it to perform various Teacher Management functions; among them, registration of trained teachers, reviewing the general demand and supply of teachers and advising the National government on all matters relating to the teaching service. It is therefore clear that the last role informed the decision by TSC to advice on subjects that require retraining of currently employed teachers to meet the competency demands of CBC.

According to the commission, there are learning areas, as established by the Kenya institute of curriculum development, which require special attention. These include; Pre-Technical and Pre-Vocational Education, Life Skills Education, Agriculture, Health Education, Indigenous Languages, Kenya Sign Language, Sign Language, Visual Arts and Performing Arts.

Among the learning areas, some require freshly trained teachers since no trained teachers exist currently to handle them. Some however require retraining of existing teachers by taking them through the units required to blend with the learning areas. TSC argues that this is possible because the subjects being handled by the teachers currently have a close association with the learning areas.

Among the teachers projected by TSC for additional units are;

We therefore, wish to advise as follows:

  • Home Science teachers, who have been proposed to teach health education under CBC.
  • Biology teachers, who have been proposed to teach health education under CBC.
  • Social Studies teachers, who will handle the newly introduced area, Citizenship.
  • Sports and Physical Education teachers, who will be handling the aspect of sports and health.

Read also:

KICD Warns Universities Over CBC Snub

Universities Stuck on 8,4,4; Ignore CBC Reforms

CBC Implementation Taskforce Recommends Establishement Of A Reglatory Body For Teachers

Ministry of Education To Offer P1 Teachers CBC diploma Courses

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List Of Teachers’ TSC Registration Certificates Returned To The Headquarters

List Of TSC Deregistered Teachers Between January-April 2021And Their Offences

List Of Teachers Registered Between March and July 2021

To minimise on the cost of employing new teachers or retraining current teachers, TSC has proposed a flexible teacher education curriculum, which will equip teachers with the ability to teach a variety of subjects.

In order to alleviate the perennial shortage of teachers and reasonably meet the demand for

teachers in the Country, the Commission further recommends as follows:

a) Universities be appropriately informed about the new subject areas that should guide admission of students pursuing education to meet the projected demands.

b) Private colleges and Universities be informed about the new learning areas so that they can equally admit students to pursue and train in the subjects.

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