A High School Teacher To Face Attempted Murder Charges Over Failed Attempt To Kill Machakos Senator

A High School Teacher To Face Attempted Murder Charges Over Failed Attempt To Kill Machakos Senator

Esther Ntenya Muli, a teacher at Mathemba secondary school, has been found guilty of attempting to murder Machakos Senator Boniface Mutinda Kabaka.

The Machakos senator, who collapsed last week in the company of Ms Muli, is still in ICU at Nairobi hospital.

Ms Muli was with Machakos Senator Boniface Mutinda Kabaka in a city hotel on the night he collapsed and ended up under intensive care. The senator started vomiting after having dinner with Muli at Dee3 Hotel in Kilimani, Nairobi.

The   court has hinted that the charge against Esther Nthenya Muli may be aggravated to murder given that Mr. Kabaka is still in a critical condition at the Nairobi Hospital.

Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Daniel Ndungi , declined a plea by a defense lawyer for the 45 year old Muli to be released on bail. Ms Muli will be detained at Kilimani Police Station for seven days to allow the investigation.

Through her Lawyer, Ms Muli argued that she is not a flight risk and will cooperate with investigators who are seeking to establish what caused the senator to vomit, minutes after having dinner with her at Dee3 Hotel in Kilimani.

“She is a teacher and her residence is well known,” the lawyer added.

Police urged the magistrate to reject the plea as Ms Muli frequently visits the hotel and can frustrate investigators’ efforts to record statements from employees who are key witnesses in the case.

Police Constable Jason Matete said they will examine CCTV footage to identify Ms Muli’s possible accomplices. Investigators will also study medical and laboratory reports following the analysis of food and drinks collected from the scene.

According to the statements from witnesses, the senator appeared normal when he drove himself to the hotel at around 2pm, booked a room and that the woman joined him at around 3pm.

“They ordered food and drinks by telephone and were offered room service,” read the statements.

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Later, the hotel staff was informed that the lawmaker had vomited and collapsed. He was rushed to Nairobi Hospital for an urgent surgery,

Mr. Matete sought permission to detain Ms Muli for seven days, given the matter is of great public interest. He also said she will abscond if released considering the severity of the penalty should she be convicted. The offence of attempted murder carries a life sentence.

The court ruling

Mr Ndungi ruled that the suspect will return to court on December 14. He said;

  • This is a matter of great public interest given that the victim is the sitting senator of Machakos County.”
  • The defense did not produce evidence to prove Ms Muli is a teacher.
  • Ms Muli is not at risk of losing her job as learners are at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • The period police requested is not long and that Ms Muli has not produced a tenancy agreement to that show she lives in Wote.

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