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A Legislator Wants Education CS To Explain Why KNEC Has Not Paid Contracted Professionals And Why Science Teachers, Deputies Are Never Paid By KNEC

A member of parliament now wants education Cabinet Secretary to explain why KNEC has not paid teachers who marked the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education exams. Bomet Central MP, Ronald Tonui, has raised three questions pursuant to order number 42, which the cabinet secretary is expected to answer.

THE MP is concerned with the abnormally long duration that has elapsed since the contracted professionals completed marking, yet they have not been paid their balance and KNEC is mum about the matter.

“KCSE results have already been released but teachers have not been paid their money, even after risking being infected by covid-19 to attend the marking exercise. What is exactly wrong with KNEC or are they trading with teachers hard earned money?” Tonui questioned.

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Tonui also wants education CS to explain when KCSE marking and administration rates paid to invigilators, supervisors, examiners and center managers were raised, and when KNEC is intending to Revise the rates. According to him, KNEC is misusing examiners by tasking them to overwork under very poor conditions yet is unwilling to revise their meagre pay. “How can a teacher that was marked at ksh.50 in 2015 for example remain at the same amount in 2021, yet tax and the cost of living have risen significantly?” asked the irritated MP.

The legislator also wants to know why the deputy center managers and teachers handling practicals during the examination are not considered for payment.  Tonui fails to understand why the science teacher who organizes the laboratory and the deputy principal, who assists the centre manager are never considered for payment yet all other partcipants in KCSE examination exercise are paid.


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