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All 2022 KCSE Candidates With C+ and above to Join University

All the 173,345 who scored C+ and above in 2022 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination have been assured that they will be admitted in public and private universities under government sponsorship.

The Kenya Universities and College Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) Chief Executive Officer Dr Agnes Wahome confirmed that there is enough space for everyone who passed KCSE.

“I know there are a lot of concerns about whether we have enough space for students who qualified to join universities. No student will be locked out and there should be no cause for alarm,” she said on Saturday at Kangaru Boys High School in Embu County during a mentorship conference for youths from the region.

She asked the candidates not to shy away from applying for courses of their choice in the universities.

“We have the capacity to admit all those who met the university entry points, they should start submitting their applications,” she said.

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However, Wahome asked the candidates who don’t want to join universities to enrol in technical colleges and register for diploma courses.

“We have so many colleges where the students pursue courses which can help them realise their dreams,” she said.

The CEO cautioned parents against coercing their children to take courses which they are not interested in.

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