Allowances Teachers will Earn During CBC Training

Allowances Teachers will Earn During CBC Training

The Teachers’ Service Commission, TSC, has released new dates for the CBC training exercise for 2021. The training has been rescheduled to begin from 24th May 2021.CBC champions and CSOs will undergo the CBC training from 25th to 27th May virtually.

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Zonal training of teachers will begin from 31st May- 4th June 2021physically, with training.


Reliable sources have revealed that the participants will be given allowances as follows.

CSO And CBC Champions Training
  • Transport reimbursement as per prevailing fares up to a maximum of Kshs.1000 For CSO and 800 for the Champions.
  • Training institution will provide venue and meals (10 o’clock tea, 4 o’clock tea and lunch) at Kshs.400 per day for 3 days
  • Stationery at Kshs.100 per participant.
  • Every participant shall be paid Ksh. 3,000 daily subsistence allowance to cater for accommodation for 4 days.
Teachers And Head teachers Zonal Training
  • All participating teachers will be reimbursed Kshs.400 per day to cater for travel expenses. This will be paid at the end of the training session.
  • All participating CSOs and CBC champions will be paid Kshs.1000 as facilitation allowance per day for 5 days.
  • The host institution will provide lunch at Kshs.400 per day per participant and facilitators.
  • Stationery has been allocated Kshs.100 per participant.
Regional Directors, County Directors, And Deputy County Directors

 These senior officers will be entitled for an allowance of up to a maximum of Kshs.1500 per day shall be paid for 5 days.

Mode of payment
  • All payments shall be made through the bank or direct mobile transfer and not cash. There shall be no cash withdrawals to pay participants and venues.
  • The funds will probably be disbursed through bulk M-pesa services as it has been in most cases.
  • Participants may be expected to give their safaricom mobile phone numbers or bank account numbers, depending on the mode that will be settled on.

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