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BEVOT Will Guide Formation Of a New Payroll System, says TSC

The piloting of the biometric registration of teachers kicked off yesterday at Nyeri High School.

Teacher Service Commission director Ibrahim Mumin, who oversaw the launch, said  the Biometric Enrollment and Validation of Teachers (BEVOT) will enable the commission to maintain up-to-date data for teachers.

“The data will help in verifying teachers distribution and utilisation, validate enrollment in public schools and also validate teachers bio data and employment records while still establishing areas of specialisation for the teachers which will improve service delivery,” Mumin said.

The information captured, he added, will also help the government in making decisions.

It involves capturing the fingerprints of teachers, validation of personal employment data and taking of passport size photo.See other requirements here.

Payroll database

The piloting stage will involve 143 primary and secondary schools and teacher training colleges in Uasin Gishu, Homa Bay, Bungoma, Nyeri, Kilifi, Kitui and Garissa counties. The piloting will run from May 17 to 21.

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“The exercise involves different government agencies and the pilot will guide the national rollout,” he said.

Data to be verified include the identification details of the teachers, letter of appointment, persons with  disabilities certifications, if any, and academic certificates run against preloaded data from the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database.

TSC has said stakeholders were involved at the county and national levels and their views were considered before the rollout.

The data, TSC states, the exercise seeks to improve delivery of services to its employees.

Reforms in data and information management will also enable accuracy and reliability hence timely and faster decision making.

TSC says it will undertake a national BEVOT in all public educational institutions before the end of next year.

All new teachers will in future undergo biometric enrollment before they enter the payroll, according to the commission.

Upon completion of the exercise, the commission will verify teacher distribution and utilisation and establish areas of teaching specialisation.

It will also validate enrollment in public schools and teachers’ bio data and employment records.

Teacher numbers

To validate the data, TSC said teachers are required to physically present their professional documents.

“The pilot exercise is being undertaken to pretest the reliability and validity of the tool.

It will also inform on the resources required for the rollout of the national exercise such as personnel, the logistics, time and finances,” TSC said.

According to 2019 Economic Survey, there were 215,363 in 2018 while that of teachers in public secondary schools and teacher training colleges was at 97,771.

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