Winnie Ayuko Vice Treasurer Nominee

The rainy weather from Maragoli hills did little to stop male Kuppet members from attending a men’s Conference in Madira. The conference was sponsored by TeamSabala Vice Treasurer nominee, madam Winnie Ayuko, in conjunction with Mercedes Benz-Kenya LTD. Male participants were gifted with TeamSabala branded caps, wrist bands and masks. The ladies who were in charge of hospitality came dressed in branded t-shirts and matching trousers.

Speaking at the event, former Kuppet Vihiga Executive Secretary Ashilaka Olaka was happy with the milestones that the union has made since inception. Ashilaka is a founder member of Kuppet, which had most of it’s initial national officials from Western Kenya. Punctuated with comedy, Ashilaka paid to tribute to the role played by Wanyonyi Buteyo, Hon.Omboko Milemba, Mohammed Fadhili, Tom Ikholi, Nixon Amendi among others. However, he was sad that Hon.Omboko’s determination to lead Kuppet Kenya was resisted by his own brothers from Vihiga branch. “They wanted me to leave, I did. But they still went on to oppose Omboko’s bid for national Chairman. I know the people in the outgoing office who didn’t vote for Hon.Omboko Milemba in 2011”, Ashilaka roared in that meeting.

Hundreds of teachers attending men’s conference

Winnie Ayuko, also known as “Mercedes Original”, has received sponsorship from Mercedes Benz-Kenya LTD towards her campaigns. Speaking at the ceremony, Winnie asked members to endorse her candidature and the whole team. “We have very creative ideas which we want to infuse in the management of this union. We have the right networks and the right connections which are required to initiate various programs for the well being of our members. Give us your vote.”

Also present at the event was Kuppet Organizing Secretary for Kakamega County, Mr.Javan Panyako. “I am so humbled with the level of organization that I have seen here. This is very commendable, bwana Sabala. I wish you well in your campaigns.”

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