EDUCATION – Elimu Pedia Number One portal for matters education, How to, TSC,KUCCPS, HELB,KRA , Top 10 bests,and Parenting. Thu, 10 Aug 2023 04:57:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Quality of Junior Secondary Education in Public Schools Poor, MP Mon, 07 Aug 2023 02:50:53 +0000 Quality of Junior Secondary Education in Public Schools Poor, MP

The quality of education offered to learners in Junior Secondary is very low, Kabuchai MP Majimbo Kalasinga has said.

Kalasinga said he is unhappy with how the Ministry of Education is implementing the Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) Education.

Speaking on Friday in his constituency when he laid stone for the construction of a new school, Majimbo said JSS education being offered  is of low quality.

The MP said Kenya risks having shortage of professionals if the government won’t address the JSS challenge now.

He said Kenya was not ready to implement the competency-based curriculum.

The Ford Kenya MP further called on the Teachers Service Commission to employ more teachers to help in impacting the skills of JSS learners.

He argues that Junior Secondary Schools are facing challenges in practical lessons.

“Academies are trying in terms of practical lessons but the problem is in public schools,” he said, adding that the government should also focus on investing in JSS practical lessons.

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Majimbo said he decided to set up a new secondary school at Kiboochi area Luuhya/ Bwake ward after realising that learners are walking for a longer distance to access education.

He affirmed that Kabuchai NG-CDF has already allocated money to facilitate the construction of four classrooms and a block of washrooms.

He said the school will be under the Catholic church.

Majimbo warned students against burning schools saying those found stern action will be taken against them.

Also present was Bungoma Catholic Diocese Bishop Mark Kadima who lauded the MP for the bold move to build a new school in the area to accommodate those who travel for longer distances to access education.

Kadima noted that the church will fully support the school’s growth.

Teachers’ July 2023 Basic Salaries and All allowances after 7-10% Increment Sat, 08 Jul 2023 03:11:54 +0000 Teachers’ July 2023 Basic Salaries and All allowances after 7-10% Increment

The teachers’ service commission will from July 2023 review the basic salaries of teachers as per the presidential declaration of 7-10% increment.

Sources from TSC have hinted at a possibility of awarding Teachers in lower job groups a higher percentage increment, with the lowest earning teacher in job group B5 getting a 10% increment and the highest earning teacher in job group D4 getting a 7% increment.

Below are new basic salaries for teachers in all job groups

New Teachers’ Basic salaries per job group w.e.f 1st July 2023

J. G Minimum salary (ksh Maximum salary
B5 23931.6 29,914.5
C1 29,914.5 37,393.4
C2 38,450.5 48,063.4
C3 47,037.86 58,797.87
C4 59,015.72 71,269.65
C5 72,236.48 84,845.6
D1 84,067.2 100,880.64
D2 101,564.28 117,988.92
D3 118,415.52 135,618.84
D4 135,978.94 151,823.37
D5 152,346.6 168,691.92
Current Basic Salaries For Teachers
J. G Minimum salary (ksh Maximum salary
B5 21,756 27,195
C1 27,195 33,994
C2 34,955 43,694
C3 43,154 53,943
C4 52,308 65,385
C5 62,272 77,840
D1 77,840 93,408
D2 91,041 109,249
D3 104,644 125,573
D4 118,242 141,891
D5 131,380 157,656

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Milemba Forced to Quit Stage by Angry Teachers, Saved From Being Lynched Mon, 26 Jun 2023 03:36:22 +0000 Milemba Forced to Quit Stage by Angry Teachers, Saved From Being Lynched

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) National Chairman Omboko Milemba has been rescued from high school teachers who were determined to lynch him.

This happened during a secondary school teachers’ sports tournament at Tom Mboya University in Homa Bay town on Sunday evening, which was attended by the KUPPET boss.

Milemba, who was in company of the union Secretary General Akelo Misori, arrived at Tom Mboya University in a jovial mood and was welcomed warmly by the teachers who seemed thrilled by the tournament.

About four minutes later, the master of ceremony welcomed Milemba to issue his opening remarks which were to pave the way for the final football match that was eagerly awaited.

Milemba, who is also the MP for Emuhaya Constituency, took the microphone and began addressing teachers.

But trouble began when he said, “I am Omboko Milemba who voted Yes for the Finance Bill.”

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Upon hearing the statement, a group of teachers started booing him.

But Milemba continued by explaining the significance of the Finance Bill 2023 to the development in the country.

His explanation elicited strong heckling, forcing him to stop the topic.

The more Milemba continued standing at the podium, the more the teachers became rowdy.

Bottom of Form

He unsuccessfully tried to apply his eloquence in a local dialect Dholuo to appease the teachers.

“Asewinjou maber. Koro kweuru mondo arwak Migosi Akelo Misori mondo obi uwuo kodu. (I have heard you very well. Can you be calm so that I welcome Mr Misori to address you),” Milemba said.

But his words fell on deaf ears as the teachers began accusing him of betraying them by supporting the Finance Bill 2023. The teachers said the Bill is making life unbearable for them.

Milemba held the microphone for two more minutes to use all sorts of words to silence the teachers but his efforts bore no fruits.

He eventually handed over the microphone to KUPPET Chairman in Homa Bay County Jack Okoth to talk to the teachers as he went back to his seat.

Okoth tried to persuade the teachers to be silent so that they could resume the games. But the teacher declined to listen to him. Instead, they told him that they could not proceed with the games unless Milemba quit that place.

The trouble went for more than 15 minutes before Misori took the microphone to admonish the teachers of their unbecoming behaviour.

But the teachers still became more unruly as a number of them were insulting Milemba.

Milemba decided to walk out of the tent where he was seated in order to go to his vehicle and leave the place.

On his way, the teachers threw various objects at him. Some of the teachers had picked stones with which they wanted to him.

It forced one of his bodyguards to cock two pistols at the teachers to restrain them from throwing the stones.

He was eventually driven out of the place unceremoniously.

Misori and Yogo condemned the incident.

Misori argued that it was wrong for the teachers to be intolerant with Milemba.

“What the teachers have done is uncalled for. Finance Bill is going to make life difficult and everybody is aggrieved but it is not something personal for teachers. It is wrong for the teachers to vent their anger against the chairman,” Misori said.

He argued that the teachers had shown a very bad picture considering the fact that they are the ones charged with the role of moulding children’s behaviours.

“If teachers are the ones behaving in this manner, how are parents going to entrust them with their children? There is nothing that warrants the violence,” Misori said.

Yogo, who organised the tournament, told teachers to avoid being driven by emotions.

“Let teachers avoid being emotional to prevent an ugly incident of this nature in future,” Yogo said.

More Than 140000 Students to Miss HELB Mon, 01 May 2023 05:02:23 +0000 More Than 140000 Students to Miss HELB

The government has slashed by over Sh5 billion the funds it allocates to the Higher Education Loans Board in a move that will see over 140,000 miss out of the state loans.

According to the board, over 140,000 students would miss out on the HELB loans caused by the budgetary cuts targeting various government ministries.

This came as the board noted that the number of defaulters were on the rise, a move that was affecting other beneficiaries of the education system.

  According to the board CEO Charles Ringera, over 500,000 students had applied for the loans but only 341,000 would benefit from the loans.

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He said the board received Sh14.8 billion which was Sh5.7 billion less than their budgetary demands meaning a reduction in the number of beneficiaries.

“Due to the budgetary cuts, the number of students seeking HELB loans will drop this year but we hope that the number will rise in the coming year,” he said.

He added that over 107,000 graduates had delayed in servicing their loans with the numbers rising around July of every year.

“Currently the repayment rates stand at 68 per cent but this board is keen to make sure we raise it to 76 per cent by the end of the year,” he said.

The CEO noted that universities across the country were facing a financial crunch which had affected their operations and service delivery.

He said they were working closely with counties and corporates in resource mobilisation as part of addressing the current financial crisis.

 Ringera was addressing the press in Naivasha after the launch of the HELB Mpesa app that empowers students to upkeep their portion of their loans.

He lauded Safaricom noting that the app would ease the process of receiving HELB loans and repayment for the students.

“Previously, students had to open accounts to access the loans but with the new partnership with Safaricom, things will be easier and faster,” he said.

Safaricom Chief Financial Officer Esther Waititu said the app could also be used to pay the HELB loans by the students.

Waititu termed the app as very secure, adding that the students would easily access the cash for their upkeep and to pay their fees.

“For years, students have suffered from seeking bank accounts to access their loans but under this app, the cash will be available on their mobile phones,” she said.

She was full of praise for the app noting that the students could easily get their statements and make their decisions faster.

Revealed: Why KUCCPS Has Delayed Calls For Second Revision Fri, 24 Feb 2023 08:34:29 +0000 Revealed: Why KUCCPS Has Delayed Calls For Second Revision

Close to two months after the release of KCSE 2022 results, anxiety has built up over the admission to universities and colleges among more than 880,000 students who sat the test.

Source privy to the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) have revealed some reasons why the placement body is yet to call for the second revision of degree and diploma courses. Among the reasons include;

  • uncertainty on the amount of money available to sponsor students in public institutions could have delayed the selection process.
  • Officials are still mulling whether to raise university cut-off points or increase tuition fees.
  • agency has a funding gap of Sh5.7 billion that would affect more than 140,000 students.
  • All the 173,345 students who scored C+ and above cannot be admitted to universities. Government will require about Sh30 billion if all the qualified students secured admission.

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KUCCPS Courses-Universities, Course Information, Clusters and Minimum qualifications Per course

KNUT and KUPPET Demand for a Review of CPG

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Mps Unite in Push to Scrap CBC, Revert to 8.4.4

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KNUT and TSC to meet Over Pay Review,  Promotion and TPD

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Teachers to Be Given Laptops with CBC Content

KUCCPS Chief Executive Mercy Wahome confirmed they need about two and half months to complete this process for students to make choices.

It is also emerging that managers of universities and colleges are worried that continued delay of courses revision may affect their learning timetables.

Parents are also anxious over fake placement posters and messages indicating that the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) portal has been opened to allow their children to revise courses.

Vice chancellors and college principals have maintained that delayed opening of KUCCPS portal could be costly.

Sossion: CBC Will Mess Kenya’s Education System Tue, 31 Jan 2023 05:48:29 +0000 Sossion: CBC Will Mess Kenya’s Education System

Former Knut secretary general Wilson Sossion has said the outgoing 8-4-4 system of education is superior to CBC.

Speaking during an interview with KTN on Monday, Sossion said the new education system is not going to help stem education in this country.

“CBC design as it is currently far more inferior to the 8-4-4, it is not going to help this country, it is not going to help stem education,” Sossion said.

Sossion said the new curriculum is not well planned.

He said he was hopeful that the presidential working party will make the curriculum fit for the nation.

“I want to believe that the Presidential working party in its second report in its second, third or finals report will provide a lasting solution that will see us design a curriculum that is ideal for this country, but not as a pressed curriculum that was picked elsewhere,” Sossion said.

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He said the new curriculum was introduced for purposes of business expediency but not to help the country.

He said other countries in Africa like Ghana did not borrow education systems but rather, developed their own.

Currently, Grade 7 learners have started reporting back to their primary schools where they are domiciled as CBC implementation keeps on progressing.

School Fees Hasn’t Changed, Machogu Clarifies Fee Increment Thu, 24 Nov 2022 03:38:24 +0000 School Fees Hasn’t Changed, Machogu Clarifies Fee Increment

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu has clarified a move by the government to scrap the subsidy on secondary school fees.

Machogu while speaking at Wajir High school on Wednesdays said the move was occasioned by a return to normalcy in the school calendar.

“From January 23, we will have three terms the way it used to be before so the fees structure remains the same as that of two years ago,” Machogu said.

This is after a circular addressed to senior education officials indicated the changes in school fees.

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You Owe Acting Principals and Deputies 1B Shillings, KUPPET Tells TSC

Amount in School Fees That Parents Will Pay from January 2023

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List Of Most Selected Junior Secondary Schools Per County

“Anybody saying the figure has been changed, that is not here in Kenya. Changing school fees would need another taskforce,” he said.

Due to the compressed school calendar which was occasioned by Covid-19, the ministry had reduced fees by Sh8,500.

According to a circular from the ministry, parents will have to pay Sh53,554 for national schools, as was before the reduction.

This will apply to national and extra county schools in seven counties.

The new guidelines were written to all county directors of education and signed by early learning and basic education PS Julius Jwan.

“The counties are Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kisumu, Nyeri, Thika and Eldoret,” the circular reads.

The new directive applies to boarding schools.

The ministry has also categorized the schools into category B.

Here, the government will provide an Sh22,244 subsidy which is equal for learners in a day school.

“In order to meet the cost of boarding as well as maintenance and improvement parents will pay Sh40,535,” the circular reads.

Currently, national Schools pay Sh45,054 while the Extra County and County schools pay Sh35,035.

Extra county and county schools would pay Sh5,500 less.

Machogu: There will be Highest Level of Integrity During Exams Fri, 18 Nov 2022 07:41:53 +0000 Machogu: There will be Highest Level of Integrity During Exams

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu yesterday assured Kenyans of the government’s commitment to delivering credible national examinations this year. Machogu said the Grade Six, Standard Eight and Form Four exams will be administered with the highest level of integrity and that no form of exam irregularities will be encouraged. Similarly, he said the examinations have not leaked and asked exam administrators to be vigilant.

Speaking when he held meetings with education stakeholders, including school heads and union officials from Kisumu and Kisii counties, the CS urged parents and the school heads to shun con men who claim they have leakages to assist their children. “Do the right thing for the examination to come out well. As much as we want our children to get good results, we cannot force it,” Machogu said at Kisii High School. The CS, accompanied by Principal Secretary Julius Jwan and Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) Chief Executive Officer David Njengere said more than three million candidates, directed school heads and examination managers to ensure the exams are not exposed before time, stressing those who will interfere with the examination will take personal responsibility.

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KPSEA 2022 Grade 6 Questions Analysis and Test Areas Per Subject

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List Of Headteachers & Principals Set to Retire Next Month Per County

List of KNUT Contact Persons On Post Delocalization Transfer/ Re-routing Per County

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Fate of +1000 Teachers Who Have Applied for Transfers

“We have devised a system where even security officers will write reports on the opening of the examinations,” Machogu said, adding that candidates will see the papers for the first time when they are opened. The government has engaged various agencies, including experts in cyber crime and the communication authority to monitor those who will attempt to engage in exam malpractices. Machogu urged handlers of the examinations to report messages related to the exams sent to their phones to security officers for action. “This time round we want to give Kenyans the assurance that the integrity process of the exams will not be compromised; everything will be credible,” Machogu said.

Exam preparedness

On the exams preparedness, Machogu said all was set for the exercise which kick off from November 28. He said exam materials have been dispatched to the 493 distribution and storage centres across the country. “We are here to give an assurance to the entire country that we are well prepared for this year’s examination. This is an assignment that the entire government agency is keenly following,” the CS said, adding that adequate security personnel will be deployed to police exam centres. At the same time, the CS allayed fears over the division among education players regarding the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

The initial report of CBC will be handed over to the president, with recommendations indicating where the grade seven and eight will be domiciled “I appeal to the stakeholders in education not to be very anxious over the transition of leaners under the new curriculum. When schools reopen in January next year our children in will be able to know whether they will be domiciled in primary or secondary following the recommendations made in the final report of the taskforce,” he added.

Meanwhile, Eastern Regional Commissioner Evans Achoki has warned those who may be planning to engage in exam malpractices, saying they will face the law. While addressing press in his office in Embu town, he noted that they had put all mechanisms to ensure no cheating in the forthcoming exams which are set to begin next week. “It is going to be very difficult to cheat during this nationals exams, if you cheat we will easily detect that there is cheating somewhere and stern action will be taken against the perpetrators,” warned Achoki. The commissioner urged officials manning the exams to ensure that the exams are well managed and administered accordance to the law. “We want to administer credible exams, an examination that would reflect the true ability of our students,” he stated.

Further, he called on parents not to be lured to tricks of losing their money by individuals promising to provide leakages for their candidates saying no such actions will see light in the region. Achoki assured all candidates sitting KCSE, KPSEA and KCPE examinations of tight security during the period of the three national exams so that they can take their exams without any form of interference. The administrator stated that enough security officers have been deployed across the Region to beef up security ahead of kick off of the exams.

Civil society: CBC Taskforce Lacks Inclusivity Tue, 04 Oct 2022 03:03:16 +0000 Civil society: CBC Taskforce Lacks Inclusivity

The Kenya National Civil Society has criticised the CBC-review task force formed by President William Ruto to review CBC, claiming that key stakeholders have been excluded.

In a statement, the society maintained that failure to include players in the education sector, like tertiary colleges, Elimu Yetu Coalition, teachers and university staff unions, will limit wider ownership to the recommendations.

“The government’s efforts to reform education in the country seem to have started on a wrong footing by repeating the same mistakes made during the introduction of the new curriculum,” reads the statement.

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The centre said the new education system needs to earn public acceptance and support for its successful implementation.

According to Suba Churchill, the KNCS director,the task force may have been inadvertently turned into an avenue to reward individuals and segments of society that supported the ascent of the regime into power rather than address the fundamental issues and teething problems bedeviling the new education curriculum.

“Exclusion of key players in the education sector is so glaring and its shortcomings so obvious that they will not be addressed by merely allowing the substantive members of the task force to co-opt them,” he said.

“Co-opting their representatives, without the power and influence that comes with being gazetted as substantive members of the team will reduce them to mere guests of the task force with no capacity to lobby and advocate for the adoption of desirable recommendations moving forward.”

Murang’a High School: KCSE Results, Location, History, Contacts, KNEC Code Sun, 24 Jul 2022 13:56:36 +0000 Murang’a High School: KCSE Results, Location, History, Contacts, KNEC Code

Murang’ a High School Location and History

Murang’ a High School is a national boys boarding secondary school located in Murang’a County, Kenya.

Murang’a High School was established in 1964 by the Catholic Diocese of Nyeri, then under the late reverend Bishop Gatimu. The catholic mission-built classrooms and administration block, to which enabled the school to admit its first students in 1964.

The school started with a total number of 35 students (boys), drawn from the then Murang’a Administrative Divisions of Kangema (5 Students), Kigumo (5), Kandara (5) and the host Kiharu division (20) boys. Two teachers were posted to teach at the school.

In 1996, the late Bishop Gatimu appealed to the Government to take over the running of Murang’ a High School, and the Government accepted. Through USAID funding, the government built permanent structures for the school.

Among the structures constructed then at Murang’ a High School were; office block, dormitories, dining hall, laboratories and three streams.

Currently, Murang’ a High School has 6 streams in form 1 & 2, and 5 streams in form 3 & 4 with a total of 1201 students, 40 teaching staff and 30 non-teaching staff.

Murang’a High School is still a Catholic sponsored School.

Murang’ a High School has a total of 31 acres, which include St. Mary’s Primary School.

Murang’a High School Contacts  

  • Murang’ a High School Name: Murang’ a High School
  • Murang’ a High School Address: P.O. Box 101, Murang’ a  10200
  • Murang’ a High School City/Town: Murang’ a
  • County:  Murang’ a
  • Murang’ a High School Category: Public
  • Murang’ a High School KNEC Code :  10200008
  • Murang’ a High School Phone Number: 0724-167580
  • Murang’ a High School Email: [email protected]
  • Website:

Murang’a High School Co-Curricular Activities and Clubs

Murang’ a High School encourages all students to exploit their talents by engaging in co-curricular activities such as drama,sports,music and many more.

Students also actively participate in the following Clubs:

1 Debate and Law Club
2 St.John Ambulance
3 Scouts Movement
4 Redcross Society
5 Mathematics Club
6 Journalism Club
7 Computer Club
8 wildlife and Environment Club
9 Science and Engineering Club
10 President’s Award Scheme
11 Music Association
12 Kiswahili Club
13 Drama Club

Murang’a High School Motto:

Discipline, Order, Determination.

Murang’ a High School Vision:

Be a Centre of Excellence in Academic Performance and Discipline in the Country.

Murang’ a High School Mission Statement:

To inculcate and nurture exceptional and desirable knowledge, values, attitudes and skills capable of making an all rounded person.

Murang’ a High School Core values:

Honesty,Discipline,Integrity,Team work,Determination,Patriotism.

Murang’a High School KCSE Analysis

Murang’a High has maintained pulled a string of impressive performances over time. During the 2018 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams, the 187 registered candidates recorded a mean grade of an A- (minus) with a performance index of 75.916. In the 2019 KCSE Exams, the school had a candidature of 311 students.

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Kenya High School KCSE Performance, Fees, Location, Contacts, Form one Intake

Alliance High School Details,Location, KCSE Results, Fees, Form one Intake and Contacts

Lenana School-KCSE Performance, Location, Form One Intake, History, Fees, Contacts, KNEC Code

List of TSC Appointed School Heads Per County

List of National Schools In Kenya Per County

Nairobi School: History, Location, KNEC Code and contacts

Ole Tipis Girls high school KCSE Performance, location, contacts, Knec code, form one Intake

Chewoyet Boys High school location, contacts, form one Intake, KNEC code, KCSE results

St. Theresa’s Tartar Girls High School History, Fees, KCSE Results, Location and Contacts

Moi Girls High School, Eldoret; KCSE Performance, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, Postal Address, KNEC Code and Admissions

Lodwar Boys High School KCSE, Knec code, form one Intake, location, contacts

St Josephs Boys High School Kitale KCSE Results, KNEC Code, Admissions, Location, Contacts, Fees, Students’ Uniform, History and all details

Turkana Girls High School location, contacts, KCSE results, Knec code, form one selection

Nakuru Girls’ High school KCSE Performance, Knec code, location, form one selection, contacts

Moi Girls Isinya High school location, kcse Performance, knec code, form one selection, contacts

Kilgoris Boys High school KCSE Performance, form one Intake, Knec code, location, contacts

Moi Kapsowar Girls High School KCSE Performance, Knec code, form one Intake, location, contacts

St. Patrick’s High School Iten Details, Fees, KCSE Results, Location and Contacts

Kabianga Boys High School: KCSE Results, Contacts, Location, Form one Intake, History, Fees, Portal Login, Website, KNEC Code

Kaplong Girls High School; KCSE Results, Contacts, Location, KNEC Code, Form 1 intake, Fees

Kipsigis Girls High School; KNEC Code,location, Form One Intake,Fees, Results, Location and Contacts

Tenwek Boys High School; Details, KCSE Results, Contacts, Location, Form one selection, Fees,Website, KNEC Code

Utumishi Boys Academy, Gilgil; KCSE Results, Location, Fees, Contacts, Postal Address, KNEC Code and Form one intake

Asumbi Girls High school; Details, KCSE Results, Contacts, Location, Admissions, Fees, KNEC Code

Kapsabet Boys High School Details, Fees, KCSE Results, Location and Contacts

St. Joseph’s Girls High School Chepterit details, KCSE Results Analysis, Contacts, Location, Admissions, History, Fees, KNEC Code

Baringo Boys High school KCSE results, Knec code, form One Intake, location, contacts

Maranda High School location, contacts, KCSE Results, form one Intake, KNEC code

Mbita High School Details, Fees, KCSE Results, Location and Contacts

Ng’iya Girls High school KCSE results, Knec code, form Intake, location, contacts

Nyambaria Boys High school KCSE Results, Contacts, Form one Intake, History, Location, Fees structure, KNEC Code

Sironga Girls High School details, KCSE Results, Contacts, Location, Form One Intake, Fees, KNEC Code

Kanga High school location, KCSE Results, form Intake, KNEC code, contacts

Kisumu Girls’ High School; KCSE Performance, Location, Form One Intake, History, Fees, Contacts, Postal Address, KNEC Code

Maseno School; KCSE Results, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, Postal Address, KNEC Code

Moi Nyabohanse Girls High School;KCSE Results, KNEC Code, Form 1 Intake, Location, Contacts, Fees

Nyabururu Girls High School: Location, Details, Fees, Results, and Contacts

Pangani Girls High School; KCSE Results, Location, Form One Intake, Fees, Contacts, Postal Address, KNEC Code

Starehe Boys’ Centre National School; KCSE Results, Location, Fees, Contacts,Postal Address, KNEC Code, Form One Intake

Alliance High School Details, Location, KCSE Results, Fees, Contacts

Mang’u High school location, contacts, KCSE Performance, Knec code, form one Intake

Loreto High School, Limuru; KCSE Results, Location, Fees, Contacts, Postal Address, KNEC Code

MaryHill Girls High School; KCSE Results, Location, History, Fees, Contacts, KNEC Code, Form 1 Admissions
