CBC for Adult education to be released

CBC for Adult education to be released

Kenya institute of curriculum development (KICD), in collaboration with the directorate of continuing and adult education, have embarked in curriculum reforms geared towards a competency based curriculum for the youth and adult learners. The curriculum will target the informal sector

The curriculum will also expand access and improve the quality of adult learning since it will be based on learners’ needs and focus on skills development

It will be developed within the framework of lifelong learning and continuing learning for life.

The directorate has developed language primers in 16 local languages. These books have been developed within the environment of a particular community that shares the same language, culture, lifestyle and values.

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According to the outgoing adult and continuing education director, Kinara Nyabwari, there is need to review and develop assessment tool  appropriate to adult and continuing education programme, lias with KICD for an alternative curriculum for adult learners in order to phase out non formal education and continue with continuing education in line with lifelong learning.

There is also need to explore modalities of how the government can provide budgetary provisions for teaching and learning material for ACE, in view of unpopular cost sharing and provision for capitation grants, provision of infrastructure funding for ACE programmes as per the basic education regulation and provision of capitation funds for school age going children attending ACE centres.

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