Havi Swears To Challenge CBC In Court

CBC Petition Has Weighty Issues That Must Be Considered: High Court Declares

A high court judge, justice Antony Mrima, has declared that the CBC petition by lawyer Esther Ang’awa raises substantial and novel issues requiring consideration.

“This petition raises substantial and novel issues requiring consideration by an uneven number of judges, being not less than five to be assigned by the Chief Justice,” Justice Mrima said.

Mrima directed the case to be placed before the CJ to appoint an uneven bench to decide the matter which he said raises weighty constitutional issue.

The case seeking to quash the new education system, the competency-based curriculum (CBC), will be heard by judges to be appointed by Chief Justice Martha Koome.

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Mrima directed the case to be mentioned before the bench on 7th December, 2021 for directions on hearing.

The case was mentioned before Justice Mrima on Yesterday after Ang’awa sought to have uneven number of judges appointed by the Chief Justice to adjudicate the case.

In the case, Ang’awa, who is being represented by LSK President Nelson Havi, is urging the High Court to quash the new education system and revert to the 8-4-4 one, saying CBC is burdensome, costly and confusing learners given the scarcity of facilities to embrace the new system.

The judge has since enjoined several interested parties in the case. They include Kenyan private schools, the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers and the National Parents Association.

The petitioner also argues that actions by Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha and his team to introduce the new curriculum are unconstitutional and unlawful.

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