KNUT Regrets Signing New Recognition Agreement, Wants Junior Secondary Schools In Primary Schools

Clarify Your Promotion Criteria And Promote Teachers Who Have Upgraded, KNUT Tells TSC

Kenya National union of teachers (KNUT) secretary general, Collins Oyuu, has urged the commission to make known its promotion criteria.

The union asked TSC to ensure teachers are promoted after upgrading their qualifications and on merit.

‘’The commission needs to make clear its promotion procedures and requirements so that we know who is promoted, when and how,” said Oyuu.

“We want to call upon the employer to make its promotion guidelines clear so that we are aware when it is being done or when opportunities are available,” he added. Oyuu said promotions should be made in good time to avoid cases where some schools operate without heads or deputy heads.

On teachers numbers, Oyuu said the shortage in primary schools stand at 84,000 and 12,000 in secondary schools.

Oyuu said the country needs 100,000 teachers to meet the shortage. He said only 5,000 are being employed every year.

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“Parliament has the ability to push for funds to be appropriated properly so that more teachers can be employed. We can move fast and have 20,000 teachers employed annually,’’ he said.

He blamed poor mental health among some teachers on workload.

“Indiscipline has been witnessed in the recent past in primary and secondary schools. It is due to pressure on the few teachers, who are unable to meet the expectations of the society and learners in terms of quality and access,” said Oyuu.

He said to ensure quality, affordable and accessible education, there is need to build enough schools and employ adequate teachers.

Seems like KNUT has opted for career progression guidelines, CPG, which was advocated for by the former SG, Wilson  Sossion.

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