Class 8 Pupil Threatens Commit Suicide After Being Whipped by Teachers-See videos

Class 8 Pupil Threatens Commit Suicide After Being Whipped by Teachers-See videos

A video is circulating online of a primary school pupil decrying an inhuman corporal punishment at his school over what he termed as ‘poor performance.’

The class 8 candidate at Nyamninia primary school in Yala, Siaya county, was filmed narrating how he was inhumanly whipped by two teachers for failing to obtain 400 marks in an exam.

“Nimejaribu kuvumilia lakini hata ukivumilia ndio wanazidi kukuchapa (I have tried to persevere but the more I persevere the more I’m beaten,” said the boy while sobbing.

The Ministry of Education had banned corporal punishment in schools in 2001, and no teacher is expected to conduct it under whichever circumstance.

Even though the act is unlawful under the Constitution and is prohibited in the Basic Education Act, 2013, it is still persistent most schools.

The boy in the video said he was contemplating dropping out of school or even worse, end his life as he cannot take the punishment anymore.( click here to watch the video)

“Nimevumilia 11 years in that school na mimi sasa nimechoka. Afadhali sasa hata ujiue kuliko kufikiria vitu mingi (I have persevered for 11 years in that school. I would rather end my life than think about a lot of things),” he said.

In the undated video, the boy displayed the injuries left on his back and thighs following the whipping.

“Due to 400 marks, nachapwa hivi. I think I should be able to achieve what I have already gotten but now if they want to force 400 in me and I can’t achieve it what will I do?” he posed.

The boy who was narrating his ordeal to what appeared like casual labourers at a construction site was in socks but without shoes.

Asked what happened to his shoes, he said he ran and left them behind as the teachers called for reinforcement to continue whipping him.

He said he has not known peace at the school since the corporal punishment started.

The boy further revealed that his predicament has been worsened by the fact that food rations at the school are too small.

“Sijakula. Kama wamepakuwa na teacher anasema ati urudishe hiyo chakula ni mingi. Chakula ni tu kidogo hushibi, kiboko pia ndio hizo unagongwa tu saa zote.”

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(I haven’t eaten. When food is served, the teacher says you should reduce it because it’s a lot. The food is little and the whipping happens all the time)

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has said on numerous occasions that no child should be made to repeat a class on the basis of poor performance.

He said the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) was introduced primarily to cure the habit of children cramming concepts purely for purposes of passing exams and not acquiring skills.

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