Compensate Teachers When Assaulted By Learners: KUPPET Demands

Compensate Teachers When Assaulted By Learners: KUPPET Demands

Kenya National Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), demands that her its members be compensated whenever they are assaulted by unruly students.

KUPPET has noted that the cases of teachers who suffer injuries while on duty there are on the rise. KUUPPET now wants Teachers Service Commission (TSC), to take care of the welfare of teachers in the workplace, including against aggression by learners.

KUPPET’S sentiments come in the wake of continuous brutal attacks on teachers by students in different parts of the country. KUPPET has insisted that the only way safeguard teachers is to take these attacks seriously.

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Speaking in Kapsabet town, minutes after the Nandi County branch elections, KUPPET national chairman Omboko Milemba urged the government to curb the increasing hostility in schools that has seen learners attack teachers.

“As a union leadership, we condemn the unbecoming culture that tends to scuttle the education in the country. Going by recent reports that have hit headlines on students attacking their teachers and leaving them with serious injuries, the government should compensate and offer protections against insecurity eventualities while working within the school compound,” stated Milemba. He urged TSC to offer security to teachers in some regions that are insecure.

At the same time the Kuppet chairman criticised the Education Ministry’s recommendation that students learn under trees to ensure social distancing, terming it ‘ill advised.’ He said this has exposed the government’s failure to provide conducive environment for learning.

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