Top 10 KCSE 2021 Candidates

Below is a list of days schools that you may consider, if interested in having all day schools in your choices.

A total of 12 choices should be made in various categories. Click on the category you are applying for and see a list of day schools in that category:

National Day Junior Secondary Schools-2

Regional Day Junior Secondary Schools-2

County Day Junior Secondary Schools-2

Sub-county Junior Secondary Schools-4

Private Junior Secondary schools-2

Read also:

Final  List of sub-county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

List of Day Schools Categorized Under County Junior Secondary Schools Per County

List of National Junior Secondary Schools With Day-School Wings

List of Regional Junior Secondary Schools With Day-School Wings

Final  List Of Approved Private Junior Secondary Schools Per County

Best Junior Secondary Schools To Select For Grade 7

Alarm as Many Preferred Junior Secondary Schools Miss in the selection portal

Final List of Public Junior Secondary Schools

Final  List of Primary schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of national schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

Final  List of Regional Junior Junior Secondary schools

Final List of county schools approved to host Junior Secondary schools

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