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Deployment of P1 Teachers to Secondary Schools Wasn’t Advertised Because of These Reasons, TSC

The teachers Service Commission (TSC) has failed to advertise the deployment of practicing p1 teachers wishing to be promoted to secondary schools, as it has done in the past few recruitments.

This is even as the Commission targets to employ a total of 14,460 teachers in July 2022. In its advert early this week, TSC wanted qualified teachers to apply for the posts in primary, secondary schools and Teacher Training Colleges (TTCS).

Among the vacancies declared by the commission were; 5,000 teaching vacancies to support the government policy on 100 percent transition of learners from primary to secondary schools and to address the existing teacher shortage, 8,230 vacancies to replace teachers who exited service through natural attrition (6,539 posts for primary schools and 1,691 posts for secondary schools), 844 teaching jobs in North Eastern region. The teachers recruited will serve on Permanent and Pensionable terms of service.

It is however disturbing that practicing P1 teachers with degrees in education (secondary option), were ignored in the latest advert.

According to the sources privy to the TSC, the commission is not yet done with advertising recruitment and promotion vacancies.  It is yet to complete advertising more recruitment and promotion vacancies.

Read also:

List Of Primary school Teachers Deployed To secondary schools

1,000 P1 Teachers To Be Deployed to Secondary Schools In September- See New Criteria

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TSC July 2021 List of Schools For Recruitment of Additional Teachers

TSC July 2022 Natural Attrition List of Schools For Replacement of Teachers

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Upon completion of interviews for the ongoing applications, it is said that the Commission will advertise 1,000 deployment vacancies for practicing P1 teachers, whose deployment will be very vital for the junior secondary schools under the famous competency-based curriculum.

There should be no panic because the vacancies will be advertised and the teachers will able to apply online.

Additionally, TSC will advertise 6,000 internship vacancies in the last quarter of the year 2022. The Commission plans to promote teachers to various grades through the next advert.

These positions include administrative positions; like Senior Teacher, Senior Master, Deputy Headteacher, Deputy Principal, Principal, Headteacher and more.

The Commission usually advertise 1,000 deployment vacancies for P1 teachers to apply each year since the year 2019.

This is a form of promotion for disgruntled primary school teachers who have acquired higher academic certificates.

Requirements for one to qualify for promotion and deployment to secondary school

i) Be a Kenyan citizen;

ii) Be a holder of a P1 Certificate;

iii) Be a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Education with 2 teaching subjects;

iv) Must have attained at least C+(Plus)mean grade at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)or its equivalent and C+(Plus) or it’s equivalent in the two teaching subjects:

v)Must be serving under Teachers Service Commission.

In the previous years, primary school teachers with higher qualifications from a recognized institution were automatically promoted to Job Group J and K respectively.

TSC has however set the bar for teachers who wish to be deployed to teach in secondary schools including junior secondary.

According to TSC, teachers who did not attain a mean grade of C+ in the KCSE exams will not teach in secondary schools even if they have degree in secondary option.

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