Details of delocalized Heads In May 2021

Details of delocalized Heads In May 2021

Latest news from TSC reveals that a good number of principals and head teachers have been delocalized as third begins and schools are still celebrating the just released KCSE 2020 results. In what seems like a promotion to some principals and a demotion to others, the delocalized heads are expected to hand over from their current institutions and take over their new institutions immediately.

Mr. Maurice Ogutu, the principal of Kisii high school in Kisii county, had been transferred to Butula boys high school in Busia county. However, the local community blocked his entry, forcing him to divert his route to Sawagongo boys high school in Siaya County. Highly reliable information reveals that Ogutu has since taken over as the new Sawagongo high school principal to replace Mr. Edward Wachilonga, who has been transferred to Chavakali boys high school in Vihiga county.

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Kisii high school will now be headed by Mr. Fred Orego Mogaka, who will be handing over from Riokindo secondary school. Mr. John Kuira Warutere of Chavakali high school will be the new principal of Riokindo secondary school, replacing Mr. Mogoka.

Mr. Enock Adanje, currently of Esalwa secondary school in Vihiga county has been transferred to Bungoma high school in Bungoma county to take over from Mr. Godfrey Owori.

Owori will move to St. Josephs Kitale Boys as the new principal.

As things stand, the current principal of Butula Boys,Mr. Daniel Ouma Onyango, who was to move to Sawagongo high school, will continue heading Butula boys as TSC and the ministry of education design an intervention.

The new changes are expected to take effect immediately. TSC has confirmed that that it is not done with the May delocalization process and that some principals should expect their letters in the course of next week.

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