Differences Between Outlook365 and Office365; How to Change from outlook365 To Office365

In the beginning of 2021, the Teachers Service Commission,TSC, introduced an e-platform for official emails. All teachers employed by TSC and those undergoing internship programmes were targeted.

The commission directed that heads of institution, and teachers including those serving under internship programme to activate their email accounts on TSC portal. Activated emails will be used for all communications from the Commission.

The official email should take the format of the teacher’s name, the last two digits of the TSC number @mwalimu.tsc.go.ke.

One of the questions teachers are asking themselves is, what is the difference between outlook365 and office365? The two can be confused to mean the same thing yet they are completely different.

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Outlook365 is an email platform where a user can receive and send emails to enhance communication. Through this platform, teachers will be able to:

  • Receive emails from TSC concerning the progress of their transfers and promotions among others.
  • Make enquires from various TSC departments that they will need services from.
  • Communicate with their county directors and sub county directors
  • Communicate with teachers from their counties and other counties in Kenya.
  • Make and add members to groups i.e. members of a department in a school, teachers of a particular county or sub-county or school, games teachers, science and engineering fair, drama groups, music groups among others. This can be done at any level.

Office365 on the other hand is an e-platform associated with outlook365 but designed to enhance storage, editing and access of documents for remote learning, virtual learning, virtual meetings, ICT integration among others.

Through office365, teachers can:

  • Store and edit their teaching documents like lesson notes, schemes of work, lesson plans, progress records, lesson observation forms, lesson attendance sheets, among others.
  • Share the above documents with other teachers
  • Create teams for networking and sharing
  • Live stream videos during class lessons
  • Store ICT materials like videos for ICT integrated learning

Outlook365 and office365 are linked together and the same username and password can be used to access them. It is also possible to switch from outlook365 to office365 without having to open another tab or logging out.

How to switch from outlook365 to office365

Follow this step by step procedure to switch from outlook365 to office365

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