Drama as parents throw out a popular Nairobi school head from office

Drama as parents throw out a popular Nairobi school head from office

Drama ensued in Nairobi County yesterday after parents of a popular city school grabbed office keys from the school head and threw her out of office. The head teacher of Muthangari primary school in lavington, was thrown out of the school due to alleged misappropriation of school funds, poor results, land grabbing among other allegations.

The angry residents claimed they were to evict her long time ago but were patient because some of their kids were candidates.

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“Tulifaa kumtoa kitambo tukaona tukanyenyekea kama wazazi eti tuko na watoto ambao wanaenda kufanya exam ya class eight. So tukapaena heshima watoto wafanye exam ndio tujipange tukuje.(We were to chase her long time ago but we were patient since we had KCPE candidates. We gave our children time to complete exams)” revealed an angry parent.

The parents waited for a week after schools were opened to monitor the situation, but there was no improvement. They claim the learners there has been no lunch for the learners yet they lunch fee.

“Tumevumelia tangu afungue shule for one week tuone kama kuna marekebisho lakini hatujayaona.Watoto hawakuli shule tangu wafungue na wewe mzazi umetoa pesa. Lunch unalipe elfu moja kila mtoto, PTA elfu moja mia mbili, which means mtoto hafai kushinda njaa hata siku moja. (We have been patient since schools were opened to see some changes but saw none. Our children take no lunch in school since opening yet we pay lunch fee as parents. We pay ksh. 1000 for lunch and ksh. 1,200 for PTA per kid, implying no child should go hungry even a single day,” complained another parent.

According to the angry parents, good teachers are transferring from the school due to their dissatisfaction with the head.

“Walimu wanaenda juu ya transfer kwa vile hawafurahishwi na mwalimu mkuu,” another parent quipped.

“We have no committees, no sub committees like finance, academics and discipline. She’s everything in this school,” complained the PTA chairperson of the school

“Kuna accounts za shule ambazo serikali inatuma pesa kwa shule.Mwalimu hana hata chaki yet there is money lying in a bank. Account ingine imefunguliwa yenye walimu hawajui hata ni ya nini.Inasainiwa na watu Kadhaa ambao hata hawajui kusomesha ni nini,” decried another one.

“Hata ufunguo ndio huu ya office na nimemnyanganya mimi na ninaihand over kwa chairman.” CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO.

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