Magoha to Heads:Uhuru has Employed Adequate teachers

Expect No Pay Rise With Your Unreasonable Demands, Magoha Tells Teachers

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has told teachers that they will not get any payrise since the government is not able to address their unreasonable demands of higher pay.

While commissioning the second phase of classrooms construction in Mombasa, Magoha maintained that the ministry is currently focusing on the completion of the classrooms before the transitioning to junior secondary school, and therefore has no time salary games.

“The government is already spending 25.9 per cent on education, although I’m not the one in salary docket, the 60 per cent of what teachers are asking for is unreasonable,” he said.

According to the CS, the Kenya’s economy had deteriorated and demands made by the teachers cannot be met.

He noted that having value for money will solve those issues since the government has already spent enough of the budget on the ministry.

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Inside KNUT’s Fresh Push For 60% Salary Increment For Teachers

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KNUT to Teachers: Remain Calm as We Engage TSC For Better Pay

On Wednesday, Knut secretary general Collins Oyuu said that the high cost of living has pushed for a rethink of teachers’ salaries.

Oyuu said teachers demanded a 60 per cent salary increase, which they want implemented immediately.

“We have commenced a structured negotiation with the employer to see to it that a 60 per cent salary rise is awarded to teachers,” Oyuu said.

The 2021-25 CBA had non-monetary benefits including extended paid maternity leave for female teachers and introduced paternity leave for male teachers.

However, Oyuu said it’s high time the Salaries and Remuneration Commission considers increasing teachers’ salaries.

On teacher promotion, the union said there is a need to review the policies on the same.

Currently, teachers are promoted based on appraisals and not the qualifications achieved.

“It is ironic when one is promoted and then they lose some benefits they really worked hard for,” Oyuu said.

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