Why TSC Has Banned Current Interns From The Ongoing Internship Applications

Final TSC Guidelines For July 2022 Recruitment Of Teachers

Kindly note that these are for guiding purposes ahead of July 2022 recruitment.


(a) Following the advertisement for recruitment of teachers for Primary schools on permanent and pensionable terms, you are required to conduct a selection exercise for candidates wishing to be employed and submit the County Merit List to the TSC Headquarters.

The list should be ratified by the County Selection Panel.

(b) Applicants will be required to submit their applications to the Secretary Teachers Service Commission through online platform www.teacheronline.tsc.go.ke for the county where a vacancy has been declared.

(C) The selection panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officers Ethics Act and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics (CoCE,2015).

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The TSC County Director is expected to induct members of the County Selection Panel on the relevant Sections of the Act and the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT,2015) before the commencement of the selection exercise.

(d) The TSC County Director MUST ensure that the recruitment process is done in strict adherence to the laid down protocols by the Ministry of Health on containment of COVID-19 pandemic.

(e) TSC County Director MUST ensure that venues for selection process are accessible to applicants living with special needs.

All applicants MUST be registered teachers as per Section 23(1) of the Teachers Service Commission Act,2012. Applicants who are not duly registered shall not be considered for recruitment.

(g)   Applicants whose names differ in the academic and professional certificates and/or identification cards MUST present an Affidavit to explain the variance in names.

(h)  Applicants who re-sat either KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalents) MUST present certified copies of the certificate(s) of the national examination(s) in question for all attempts.

(i)   Applicants who apply for confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the TSC County Director of the County where they applied for recruitment.

It is their responsibility to ensure that the results are received for consideration during the verification of the academic certificates.

System generated Merit List will be prepared by the TSC County Director.

TSC County Director shall distribute the Lists to the TSC Sub-County Directors. The Sub-County Directors shall use the Merit List(s) to communicate selection date and venue in consultation with the County Director.

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(k)          During the selection, each applicant shall be given a serial number.

Applicants must present original and legible photocopies of the following, among other relevant documents:

  1. i) National identification card;
  2. ii) Certificate of Registration as a teacher;

iii)           Evidence of service as a teacher intern (where applicable);

  1. iv) PTE Certificate;
  2. V) KCSE certificates or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re-sat exams);
  3. vi) KCPE certificate or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re-sat exams);

vii)          Proof of payment for the Statement of confirmation of results by KNEC (where applicable);

viii)         Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials.

  1. ix) National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);

x)Sworn Affidavit where names appearing on the submitted documents differ;

(k) All applicants, irrespective of gender, disability, ethnicity or Home County shall be given equal opportunities.

  1. In the event of a tie, consideration for selection will be determined as per the order of priority shown hereunder:
  2. i) Applicants’ disability status:

ii)Whether the applicant(s) has previously participated in the TSC Teacher Internship Programme:

iii) Applicants who had not been previously employed by the Commission; iv) Applicants who graduated and were registered as teachers earlier;

v)Strength of academic and professional certificates presented.

N/B: If applicants tie at PTE points, aggregate KCSE grades shall be considered.

(m) The selection date and venue must be displayed on notice boards at the Commission’s County, Sub-County and Zonal offices at least seven (7) days before the selection exercise.

(n)          The selection panel shall vet each applicant to establish if he/she meets the requirements of the TSC advertisement.

(O) Applicants who were previously employed by the Commission MUST declare their past employment history and reason(s)for break in service (with justification for the break in service).

Applicants who previously worked with the Commission and FAIL to declare their past

employment shall be disqualified. Preference shall be given to applicants who have never been employed by the Commission.


The Selection Panel shall comprise of the following members:

i)The Sub County Director-Chairperson

ii)TSC Sub County Human Resource Officer-Secretary

iii)Zonal Curriculum Support Officers (2)-Members


The sub-county Director MUST ensure that the Ministry of Health COVID-19 containment measures are adhered to by both panel members and the applicants at all times.


  1. The TSC Sub County Director shall verify the TSC registration status of all applicants;
  2. The TSC Sub County Director shall present a list of all applicants to the Selection Panel:

iii.  Applicants must appear in person before the Selection Panel on the set date.


all academic documents will be scrutinized to verify their authenticity.

b) The TSC Sub County Director shall certify photocopies of the certificates and other documents before forwarding them to the TSC County Director.

c)Any applicant(s)who present forged/fake academic, professional and other documents commit(s)an offence and shall be disqualified and/or deregistered.


Applicants shall be awarded marks as per the score sheet (Appendix 1 (a)and(b) Where applicants tie in scores, the panel shall refer to (k) of these guidelines.


The Sub County Selection Panel shall be required to submit the following to the TSC County Director:

  1. List of all applicants who presented documents for verification at the Sub County level (Appendix II):
  2. Sub County Merit List (Appendix III):

iii.            Summary of complaints raised (if any) together with action taken;

  1. Minutes of the Sub-County Selection Panel duly signed by the Chairperson and Secretary clearly showing how the final list of the successful candidates was agreed upon.


  1. a) After submission of Merit Lists by the TSC Sub County Directors, TSC County Director shall constitute a selection panel comprising the following members; TSC county director, TSC deputy county director, TSC Human resource officer, TSC sub county director.

The TSC County Director MUST ensure that the Ministry of Health COVID-19 containment measures are adhered to by panel members.

  1. b) The TSC County Director shall be required to convene a County Panel to ratify Sub County Merit Lists for onward submission to the TSC Headquarters within the stipulated timeline.
  2. c) The selected applicants from the Merit List shall correctly fill the TSC Application for Employment Form (APPT 1) without erasing or defacing it.
  3. d) The Merit List compiled during the selection process at the beginning of the financial year shall be used in subsequent recruitments within the financial year. Selected applicants shall be informed through the Short Message Service (SMS).

NB: It is the responsibility of the TSC County Director to ensure that the exercise is fair and transparent. The County Director must also ensure that all documents are in order and appropriately signed/certified before submitting them to the TSC Headquarters.


  1. a) Any applicant who is dissatisfied with the exercise should submit to the TSC County Director a written complaint immediately and send an email to the TSC Headquarters through, [email protected] not later than seven (7) days after the selection exercise;


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