Fresh Tug Of War Between Oyuu And Sossion-Could Oyuu Be In The Race?

A Fresh Tug Of War Between Oyuu And Sossion

KNUT secretary general Wilson Sossion and Chairman Collins Oyuu are in a fresh raw of battle concerning the dates to convene the steering committee meeting.

On March 8th 2021, Oyuu, wrote a letter to Sossion reminding him to convene the steering committee meeting on 17th march 2021 so as to neutralize the allegations over the KNUT’s general election.

“Attention is drawn in the letter dated 24th February 2021 that requested you to convene a full formal steering committee meeting which would have calmed down a lot of tension concerning the ongoing KNUT general elections where litigations, postponements, and cancelations have so far been witnessed, surprisingly without the knowledge of the national steering committee,” wrote Oyuu in the letter.

Oyuu further alleges that Sossion does things on his own without consultations. According to Oyuu, branch elections are coming to an end and elected and national executive committee members still in office need to know all the steps that lead to a special annual delegate’s conference whose dates and venues they are yet to know.

“You know too well that consultations and meetings is the only way to go for the smooth running of this institution, and as such, it is unacceptable to see you do everything by yourself without the aforesaid important meetings and consultations,” read part of the letter.

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“I therefore take this opportunity to place this final reminder and request you to convene a steering committee meeting which you have intentionally not done for the last two months. It is not in good taste to continue avoiding my persistent request to have steering meetings for the smooth running of this great institution, “

In response, Sossion stated that meetings of any nature are held after consultations with the top 3 officials, who are tasked with setting the meeting agenda.

“Be informed that meetings of whatever nature are convened after meeting consultations of the top three officials who set the agenda for the said meetings. This we have not done and you have never walked to my office for any consultations as required by customs and practice,” wrote Sossion in response.

Sossion insists that such meetings can only be held after the top officials consult, agree and set agenda for the meeting. These three are the national chairman, secretary general and treasurer. Oyuu is currently the acting chairman.

“You are free at any time to walk to my office for such consultations and not through correspondents that are outside the procedure of running the business of Knut. This however does not stop the office of the secretary general from executing obvious administrative decisions that do not require consultations,” said Sossion.

Sources have it that Oyuu could be in the race for the new secretary general.

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