How to get Promoted from Job group K to L and other common cadres

How to get Promoted from Job group C2 to C3 and other common cadres

Common cadre promotions are effected by the teachers’ Service Commission, TSC, once a teacher finishes three years in the entry grade.  The grades below shall form common establishment in the teaching service, according to the Teachers’ Career progression Guidelines set by TSC;

  1. Primary Teacher II T-Scale 5 and Primary Teacher I T-Scale 6 for Primary Teachers Education Certificate holders;
    ii. Secondary Teacher III / Lecturer III T-Scale 6 and Secondary Teacher II /Lecturer II T-Scale 7 for Diploma holders; and
    iii. Secondary Teacher II/Lecturer II T-Scale 7 (K) and Secondary Teacher I/Lecturer I T scale 8 (L) for holders of Bachelor of Education or its equivalent.

To be considered for common cadre promotion, a teacher must fill the ‘PERFORMANCE REPORT ON A TEACHER FOR ASSESSMENT ON SUITABILITY FOR PROMOTION/ APPOINTMENT TO THE NEXT GRADE ‘form. Some of the details to be filled by the teacher include:

i). Name of teacher
ii). Current grade/ Job group
iii). Current teaching institution/ station
iv). Duties executed by the teacher; currently.
v). TSC Number
vi). Appointment date

The head of institution is then expected to give a report on the teacher i.e: Knowledge of the job & performance, ability to coach students & participate in Co- curricular activities, acceptance of responsibilities, General conduct and suitability for promotion. The duly filled form is then sent to the Commission headquarter for action.

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