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Government Promises A Comprehensive medical cover for teachers who contract Covid-19

Government spokesperson Cyrus Oguna, has confirmed that the government, though the Ministry of Education, has established a comprehensive medical insurance cover for all teachers who may contract Covid-19 in the line of duty.

Oguna said the government was hopeful that no teacher would contract Covid-19 but at the same time said it was aware that there were possibilities because the tutors were exposed given the number of children they were interacting with.

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He added that the government had disbursed Sh19.5 billion shilling to schools to help the institutions run smoothly while at the same time ensuring that they adhere to the World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health Covid-19 protection protocols.

“Secondary schools got Sh14.9 of the fund while primary schools were allocated Sh4.6 billion,” said Oguna when he addressed the media at a press conference at the Lake Nakuru National park.

The enhanced comprehensive medical cover will cost Sh6.3 billion and will target all civil servants, including teachers.

The scheme is an improvised version of the group life expense and last expense benefits, which was previously allocated annual amount of ksh. 839 million. It will also cover enhanced work injury benefits and group personal accident. The group personal accident will be pegged at eight times the gross salary for all job groups, costing ksh. 1.18M while work injury benefits will cost ksh. 1.33 billion

Oguna revealed that 17,000 teachers had been employed to bridge the gap that might be left by the elderly ones.Elderly teachers aged 58 years and above were advised to stay away from schools due to their vulnerability to the corona virus.

Oguna said the newly recruited teachers included 5,000 who were hired on permanent and pensionable times and another 12,000 on internship.

He said to ensure 100 per cent resumption of learning and compliance to COVID-19 prevention protocols, all Permanent secretaries were tasked to visit schools and assess them.

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