Lunch fee is voluntary and Permission to charge it, Ministry Warns Heads

Government Sets Strict Guidelines For Admission In Form 2, 3 And 4

The ministry of education has warned secondary school principals against admitting students who are not officially transferred from their previous schools.

As per the projections of MOE, this directive will help curb students’ indiscipline, which has led to nationwide increase in arson cases and student unrests.

In a November 9 circular to all regional and county directors of Education, Basic Education Principal Secretary Julius Jwan asked principals to demand formal release letters before  admitting students in form two, three and four.

“Ensure that all students involved in any form of indiscipline are not allowed to transfer to any other school. Therefore, no school should admit a student who has not been formally released by the previous school,” reads the letter.

Additionally, secondary school boards of management have been asked to convene, discuss indiscipline resolutions and share them with the county directors of education.

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“Schools should open up accessible channels of communication for adequate and seamless engagement with the learners, including mounting a proper mechanism for addressing grievances arising from students.”

The government said it won’t engage in repairs of school buildings damaged by rioting students.

“It must be noted that the ministry will not meet the cost of reconstructing destroyed school property arising from acts of arson,” said Jwan

“Let’s not pretend that we are burning a building because of stress from corona virus. That’s not true. The statistics show otherwise; that this madness started around 2016,” he said.

At least 20 secondary schools have reported cases of arson, with most students in the institutions sent home indefinitely.

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