Governor Promises To Increase ECDE Teachers' Salaries To Enable Them Buy Cars

Governor Promises To Increase ECDE Teachers’ Salaries To Enable Them Buy Cars

Busia governor Sospeter Ojaamong has promised ECDE teachers that he will hike their salaries. The governor was addressing mourners during a burial ceremony of a retired ECDE teacher at Teso south sub county. The governor stressed that ECDE teachers deserve a salary increment since the role they play in moulding learners is crucial.

“My government will increase their salaries to match other teachers. I want ECDE teachers to own cars like other teachers considering that they are doing a good job at the grassroots,” said Ojaamong.

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The governor noted that his government has at least two county government employed ECDE teachers in each public ECDE Centre and will ensure that each public primary school has an ECDE classroom in the year 2021/ 2022 financial year.

Since 2020, Busia county government has employed more than 500 ECDE teachers and is planning to confirm the ECDE teachers who are currently on contract.

The teachers who were employed permanently had been offered a two-year contract in 2017, which ended in December 2019, creating opportunities for another set to be employee on contract.

The county boss stated that the aim of improving status of ECDE in his county is to stabilize early learning and to set a strong base for children’s education.

Ojaamong in 2019 launched the distribution of ECDE instructional material across the county, announcing that his governance was dedicated to employ an adequate number of ECDE educators.

This comes at a time when the council of governors is lobbying for employment of ECDE teachers on permanent and pensionable terms by the national government.

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