Grade 4 pupils score Below Average in the KNEC October 2020 Assessment

Grade 4 pupils score Below Average in the KNEC October 2020 Assessment

Performance of Grade Four learners in the recently conducted reveals Major learning gaps with poor scores recorded in reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

KNEC report shows that the learners were heavily affected by prolonged closure of schools.

Overally, Grade Four learners, who are the pioneers of the new 2–6–3–3–3 education system under Competency Based Curriculum, performed below expectation in subject specific content and skill areas.

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“The significant increase in the percentage of learners performing below expectation is indicative of learning loss which can be attributed to lack of face-to-face learning, and inadequate access to remote learning,” reads the report.

“In order to address learning gaps, the study recommends focused interventions in key skill or content areas such as reading comprehension, as well as capacity building of teachers in best approaches to the implementation of the CBC so as improve learning outcomes in skills such as reading comprehension and writing,” the report says.

A total of 1.3 million Grade Four learners were assessed across 37,243 institutions under the Sh1.5 billion Global Partnership for Education (GPE) funding supervised by the World Bank.

The areas of assessment were English Language, Kiswahili Language, Mathematics, Environmental Activities and Science and Technology.

Other areas included Kenyan Sign Language (KSL), Activities of Daily Living and Communication Skills, Pre-Numeracy Orientation and Sensory Motor Activities. The tests were expected to measure learner’s entry behaviour after the long period of school closure to inform of possible learning gaps.

KNEC report further reveals that in English Language, majority of the learners did not attain minimum proficiency levels in all the language skills and content areas. In all the assessed skills, majority of learners performed below expectation.

Overall results also unearthed gender disparities where more girls met learning expectations in the subject-specific skills and content areas compared to boys.

In English Language, for example, more girls met expectations in all the skills and content areas assessed compared to boys.

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