IEBC List Of Elected Governors

IEBC List Of Elected Governors

West Pokot County

UDA party candidate Simon Kachapin won after bagging 86,476 votes. The incumbent governor  John Lonyangapuo came in second with slightly over 84,610 votes.

Elgeyo Marakwet 

Elgeyo Marakwet Deputy Governor Wisley Rotich has won the governor race after receiving 147,705 votes on a UDA party ticket, with his closest competitor, National Vision Party (NVP) leader Anthony Chelimo coming second with 11,759 votes.

Trans Nzoia 

Former Regional Commissioner George Natembeya has won after garnering 158,919 votes.

His competitor Chris Wamalwa of Ford Kenya came in second with 79,020 votes.

Isiolo County

Jubilee party ‘s Abdi Hassan Guyo has won the seat after he got 28,946 votes.

He beat his main rival Godana Doyo who got 2,551 votes under an Independent ticket.

Siaya County 

ODM Senator James Orengo has won the seat  220,349 votes beating his competitor Nicholas Gumbo who came second with 147,558.

Nandi County

Stephen Sang has retained his seat after garnering 237,045 votes.

The UDA candidate beat his opponent former Governor Cleophas Lagat who got 54,375 votes.

Busia County 

ODM party retained the seat through Paul Otuoma who got 164,478. ANC candidate John Sakwa came in with 92,144 votes.

Migori County 

Ochilo Ayacko of ODM won the seat with 175,226 votes. His DAP-K opponent John Pesa trailed with 126,171 votes.

Marsabit County

UDM’s Mohamud Ali has successfully retained his seat after a race, after getting  38,803 votes to defeat his closest KANU candidate and former North-Horr MP Francis Chachu Ganya who got 28,279 votes.

Kirinyaga County

UDA’s Ann Waiguru has been re-elected after getting 113,088 votes after beating Wangui Purity who had 105,677 votes.

Bungoma County

Former Speaker Kenneth Lusaka (FORD-Kenya), who was the first Governor of Bungoma County emerged winner after garnering 241,695 against his main opponent Wycliffe Wangamati (DAP-K) who bagged 137,378 votes.

Meru County

Kawira Mwangaza with an independent ticket  has won the seat. She has defeated the incumbent Kiraitu Murungi.

Vihiga County

Wilber Ottichilo of ODM Party has defended his seat with 82,313  votes.

Former governor Moses Akaranga emerged second with 42,432 votes

Homa Bay County

ODM’s Gladys Wanga won after garnering 244,559 votes. Evans Kidero came in second with 154,182 votes.

Nyamira County

United Progressive Alliance candidate Amos Nyaribo has been re-elected Governor of Nyamira County after garnering 82,090 votes.

His closest challenger Walter Nyambati of UDA garnered 49,281 votes.

Kisumu County

ODM’s Anyang’ Nyong’o has won his seat after he got 319,957 votes.

Second in the race was NDG’s Jack Ranguma who garnered 100,600 votes

Uasin Gishu County

Jonathan Chelilim Bii alias Koti Moja has clinched the seat with 214,036 votes

Independent candidate Zedekiah Bundotich came in second with a vote count of 127,013.

Nakuru county

Susan Kihika under the UDA Party  has been elected as Governor after winning with 440,707 , defeating incumbent Lee Kinyanjui 325,623

Bomet County

Hilary Barchok  has been re-elected as Governor  after winning  with 158,798 beating his main rival Isaac Rutto who garnered 137,323 votes

Nyeri County

UDA’s Mutahi Kahiga is the governor-elect after he garnered 213,373 votes.

Kisii County 

Outgoing Dagoreti North MP Simba Arati of ODM clinched the seat by landslide garnering 270,928 votes.

He trounced his seven competitors including Ezekiel Machogu of UDA who finished second with 82,104 votes.

Laikipia County

UDA’s Joshua Irungu won the  seat after garnering 113,783 votes.

Outgoing County boss Ndiritu Muriithi  of Jubilee came second with 48,563 votes.

Kwale County 

Fatuma Achani of UDA garnered 59,674 votes against his closest rival ODM’s Hamadi Boga who got 53,972 votes.

Kilifi County 

ODM’s Gideon Mungaro has clinched the seat defeating the outgoing Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa of UDA.

Mungaro got 143,773 votes while Jumwa had 65,893 votes.

Kitui County

Wiper’s Julius Malombe has won the seat after he got 198,004 votes.

David Musila came in second with 114,606 votes.

Wajir County 

Ahmed Abdullahi Jiir ( former Governor) of ODM has won after  garnerning  35,533 votes, flooring all his competitors including the  incumbent governor Mohammed Abdi Muhamud  who only got 521 votes.

Kiambu C0unty

UDA candidate Kimani Wamatangi has clinched the seat with 348,371 votes.

Wainaina Wa Jungle (Independent) came in second with 237,361 votes.

Lamu County

Former Lamu governor Issa Abdallah Timamy of ANC has recaptured the seat after deafeating incumbent Fahim Yasin Twaha of the Jubilee Party in the 2022 polls.

Timamy garnered 24,198 votes against Twaha’s 16,054 votes.

Garissa County

Former Governor Nathif Jama has made a political comeback after flooring his arch-rival Ali Korane of Jubilee to recapture his seat

Jama, an ODM candidate, garnered 69,342 votes while Korane who had earlier  conceded defeat even before the results were announced got  26,148 .

Mandera County

Mandera County Assembly Speaker Mohamed Adan Khalif alias has been elected to succeed Governor Ali Roba in the United Democratic Movement (UDM).

He polled 53,480 votes against his closest rival, former Industrialisation Cabinet Secretary Adan Mohamed who got 40,564 votes.

Kajiado County

Incumbent Kajiado governor Joseph Ole Lenku has been reelected on an ODM party ticket.

Lenku managed to get 117,600 votes against his closest competitor Katoo Ole Metito of the UDA party who garnered  111,725 votes.

Makueni County

Senator Mutula Kilonzo has emerged the winner in the Makueni Gubernatorial race after garnering 214,088 votes on a wiper ticket, trouncing his closest rival who ran as an independent Patrick Musimba who scored 63,252 votes.

Nairobi County 

Senator Johnson Sakaja has won the Nairobi Governor seat after garnering 699,392  votes. Sakaja who was vying on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party ticket defeated his main rival Polycarp Igathe of the Jubilee party who got 573,518 votes.

Machakos County

Wiper party’s Wavinya Ndeti  was declared the governor-elect with 226,609 votes after beating Chama Cha Uzalendo’s Nzioka Waita who came second with 129,181 votes.

Narok County

Former Labour CAS Patrick ole Ntutu has been declared the County boss.

Ntutu vied with a UDA party ticket polling 158,100 votes against ODM’s Moitalel  Kenta who got 148,270 votes.


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