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It’s Upto Ruto to Appoint Me or Anyone Else as education CS, Sossion

Former Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General Wilson Sossion has denied allegations that he is lobbying to be appointed Cabinet Secretary for Education, maintaining that the decision lies with president-elect William Ruto, to give him or someone else the job.

While speaking to K24 on Wednesday, the former ODM nominated MP said it is up to the President to decide whom he shall appoint to the office in his administration

“Only William Ruto, Kenya’s President-elect, knows who the ideal candidate to head the Education ministry under his government is,” he said.

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Sossion said all eyes now await Ruto’s swearing-in on 13th September to attain the executive powers of appointing cabinet secretaries as well as deliver on his promises.

Sossion was among those who played a great role in the Kenya Kwanza campaign team by popularizing its manifesto to see their candidate clinch the top seat.

He added that he had no set ultimatums nor was he lobbying for a position in the government during the campaign period.

He said the president’s pick will reign as they had delivered their bit.

“Whatever else happens after here is not within my power. We finished our engagement with the president as Kenyans at the ballot box, beyond the ballot box, the president will make his own arrangements and appoint whoever he so wishes,” he said.

Nevertheless, the unionist hailed Kenya Kwanza’s education charter which he contributed in formulating saying it has the best formula for transforming the sector as well as teachers’ welfare.

“My business was to support Kenya Kwanza in its philosophy of the bottom-up economic model. It was in drafting the charter and I’m happy because the charter is good for education and teachers,” he said.

Kenya Kwanza in their education charter plans to bridge the 116,000-teacher deficit in public schools within two financial years by employing 58,000 teachers annually from the over 300,00 trained but unemployed teachers in the country

Sossion is remembered to have fronted teachers’ grievances since 2013, but later resigned amid squabbles that emanated from within the union and his cold relations with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Former Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Chairman Collins Oyuu was unanimously elected to replace Wilson Sossion as the new commission’s Secretary General.

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