Magoha, Njeng’ere Fly To UK To Asses Printing of 2021 KCPE and KCSE Exams

KCPE Composition and Insha Markers to Lose Big in knec’s New Saving Plan Under CBC

The Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC, will through the Competency Based Assessments (CBA) under the new competency-based curriculum (CBC), save the government billions of shillings in printing, administration and management of examinations.

Contrary to the outdated Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) where teachers were contracted to mark English Composition and Kiswahili Insha papers, the Kenya Primary Education Assessment will not have Composition and Insha papers.

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Judging from the samples of KPSEA grade six papers already released by KNEC, it is evident that Composition and Insha examinations will not be tested.

What this implies is that teachers who have been marking the two papers will not be contracted marking under the new competency-based assessment plans.

It is therefore no doubt that the Competency Based Assessments (CBA) will help KNEC to cut down cost of examination management.

KPSEA national exams, minus composition and insha papers, will be marked using the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) since the exams will be purely multiple choice.

In the last KCPE exams, the marking of multiple-choice questions was made easier by the acquisition of the modern Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) which electronically scored the papers. The OMR captured marked data from candidates’ answer sheets using specialized scanning.

The machines worked, with a dedicated scanning device that shined a beam of light on the paper.

The contrasting reflection at predetermined positions on a page was used to detect marked areas

With the new machines, scripts were marked in batches of 100 and 200 sheets, unlike the previous technology, which took hours.

The Grade 6 learners will sit for their final test in primary schools in November from 28th to 30th November 2022.this year.

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