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Kenya Kwanza Government Will End TPD, Delocalization, CBC Within 3 Months: Sossion

The former secretary general, Kenya National Union of teachers (Knut), Hon. Wilson Sossion, has said that his Kenya Kwanza government which, will be led by Deputy President William Ruto, will end teacher delocalization within the first three months in the government.

Sossion, who is also a nominated Member of Parliament under the ODM party, says there will be massive changes at the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) should William Ruto win.

“Number one we shall end delocalization completely, walimu wote warudi makwao,”said Sossion on Saturday in Bomet.

Sossion has also said that the government of William Ruto will end the infamous Teacher Professional Development (TPD) and reduce it to capacity building with training fee being paid by government.

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“TPD, we shall reduce it to capacity building ile inalipwa na serikali. You will never pay for it,” said Sossion, who has now decamped to UDA party to vie for Bomet senate seat.

The lawmaker also says the Kenya Kwanza government will ensure promotion of teachers with academic qualifications is respected.

TPD, delocalization and promotion are the most contentious issues among the teachers employed by TSC.

Despite the Commission together with National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) members are defending delocalization, most teachers are opposed to the programme. According to TSC and NCIC delocalization has promoted national cohesion.

Teachers are also opposed to the TPD programme launched last year because it is eating into their pocket and time.

Teachers are required to pay sh.6,000 each year for the training which is projected to last 30 years.

This means that in an entire teaching career, each teacher will be required to take five modules within 30 years, translating to fees of about Sh180,000.

Teachers also want the Commission to promote them after acquiring higher academic papers.

They want TSC to promote teachers with Diploma and Degree certificates as well as those who have stagnated in one job group for long.

Sossion is also opposed to the Competency Based Curriculum(CBC).He has been sighted many times calling it a fraudulent curriculum and that he will stop it anytime he is given a chance.

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