Khamala Reveals Intentions to Impeach Nancy Macharia

Khamala Promises to Impeach Nancy Macharia

Just after the passing of the motion to end delocalization, the sponsor of the motion, Luramba Mp Titus Khamala revealed that he will present yet another motion to impeach the TSC CEO Nancy Macharia.

The legislature, who moved the motion “Review of Teacher Deployment Policy” and received support from all Mps, says he is determined to start a motion aimed at changing the TSC leadership.

“I am looking at a motion of impeachment and Parliament will be going for the CEO of the Teachers Service Commission,” said Khamala.

However, he said he will do this after consulting various education stakeholders on how to go about it. He said he will talk to teachers’ unions and other bodies to collect their views before presenting the motion.

“Right now am consulting stakeholders, am talking to Kepsha (Kenya Primary School Heads Association), Kessha (Kenya Secondary School Heads Association), am talking to Kuppet and Knut and am also looking at different education stakeholders,” he said.

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The Mp also said he will involve Ministry of Education officials on their view and suggestions before taking the TSC leadership head-on.

“Am also in talks with Ministry of Education officials I want to get facts and I want to get sufficient grounds and I will begin working on a motion so that there can be good leadership at top of TSC which respect teachers,” he added.

Mid this week, the Mps passed the motion to end delocalization. Some amendments were also made to guide teacher recruitment and deployment exercise.

TSC was ordered to review its teacher recruitment policy so that the employment of teachers starts at zonal level.

“Review the teacher recruitment policy with a view to devolving it to zonal level as the point of recruitment” read the motion.

The Commission was also ordered to initiate a comprehensive review of the teacher deployment policy with involvement of teacher in order to make the policy consistent with International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNESCO laws and practices on teacher management and deployment.

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