Kilgoris Boys High school KCSE Performance, form one Intake, Knec code, location, contacts

Kilgoris Boys High school KCSE Performance, form one Intake, Knec code, location, contacts

Kilgoris Boys High School is a boys only public boarding secondary school located in Olochan location, Narok county, Kenya.

Kilgoris Boys High School was established in 1969 as an academic institution to provide to children of the Maasai pastoralists in the larger Narok district. Kilgoris Boys High School started off as a single streamed national school and it has grown into a 3- streamed national school that has an enrollment of approximately 550 students.

Kilgoris Boys High School currently has 10 classrooms, 2 computer labs, 2 science laboratories, one library and playing grounds. Notable alumni include the former powerful minister Ole Sunkuli Julius, Mr. Linus Kaikai of Citizen TV, Engineer Ole Nchoe, PS Charles Sunkuli, Dalton Konchellah who is a chairman at NEMA and Mr. Simon Morintatz who is Nairobi county clerk.

Kilgoris Boys High School motto; Strive to excel.

Kilgoris Boys High School vision; To be a centre of excellence in providing quality education for academic advancement and self reliance.

Kilgoris Boys High School mission; To mold the lives of the youth by empowering the intellect, the physical and spirit to delve into the ocean of knowledge, exploit the innate talent and growth in faith to understand and know God.

Kilgoris Boys High School location;

This school is located in Olochan location in Kilgoris constituency, Narok county, Kenya. It sits on a 31 acre piece of land.

Kilgoris Boys High School KCSE performance;

The school does so well in both local and national examinations. It usually is one of the best secondary schools in the county. In 2013, it had 47 candidates and they had a mean score of 43.274 (C).

Kilgoris Boys High School Form one selection;

Here, form one selection is usually done via academic merit in regards to KCPE examinations. The students who have high results and selected the school as first choice are given higher priority than others. Students are also selected via need basis where parents’ financial background is put into consideration.

Kilgoris Boys High School Contacts;

Kilgoris Boys High School code; 32500016.

Kilgoris Boys High School Physical Address: P.O. Box 48- 40700, Kilgoris, Kenya.

Kilgoris Boys High School Telephone/ mobile number; 0734404304.

Kilgoris Boys High School Email address; info@[email protected] Website;

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