KNEC Warns School Heads Against Registering Ghost Candidates

KNEC Warns School Heads Against Registering Ghost Candidates

The national examiner has warned of stern action against school heads registering ghost students for KCPE and KCSE tests.

The Kenya National Examinations Council asked schools to register only students who are attending classes in their schools.

In a circular dated January 25, KNEC chief Executive Officer David Njengere said they will be forced to de-register schools that would present ghost students for examination.

Njengere was clear that school heads should register candidates who are their genuine students and not others from different schools.

“Registration of ghost candidates constitutes an examination malpractice, which attracts sanctions, including de-registration of the school as a KNEC examination centre,” Njengere warned.

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There have been reports that some rogue school heads transfer weak candidates to some schools and only register bright ones to boost their ranking in national examinations.

In other instance, students attend classes in one school, and then sit the final exams in others schools.

“All candidates registered for KNEC examinations must be bonafide, school-going pupils or students in their respective schools, who are transiting to their respective examination class,” the circular read in part.

Furthermore, KNEC capped the number of candidates per examination centre at 30 while independent candidates per institution must be more than five.

This means that independent centres with less than five candidates will not be recognised while schools with less that 30 students will have no examination centres.

The Council clarified that the government would pay examination fees for candidates in private and public institutions.

However, candidates re-sitting or repeating exams, non-citizens, private candidates registered in Sub-County Private Exam Centres and those in prisons will foot their own costs.

KNEC will charge Sh800 for KCPE and between Sh5,000 and Sh5,800 for those sitting the entire KCSE exam – seven to nine subjects.

However, those who intend to resit the form four exam will pay Sh3,100 to Sh6,300 depending on the number of the papers they would sit.

The registration period will run from February 1 to March 30, 2023.

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