KNUT Demands Pay Rise In The 2021-2024 CBA To Cushion Members From Covid-19 Effects

KNUT Demands Pay Rise In The 2021-2024 CBA To Cushion Members From Covid-19 Effects

The Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, has once again refreshed her battles with the Teachers’ Service Commission, TSC.  This time, KNUT has still insisted on her earlier proposal of 200% increase on the basic salary, citing high inflation and enormous damage caused by covid-19.

KNUT secretary general, Wilson Sossion, recently proposed an increment of between 120 %- 200 % of the basic salary in the 2021-2024 collective bargaining agreement, CBA.

Sossion has reminded TSC that in 2017, TSC agreed to offer teachers an increment of 50-60% of the basic salary.

“We still expect an annual basic salary increment of 50%, house allowance increment of 50%, accommodation and night allowance of 50 %, a commuter allowance increment of 50%, a risk allowance of 10 %, and a hardship allowance increment of 10%,” said Mr. Sossion.

KNUT wants TSC to immediately restart negotiations for the 2021-2024 CBA. Through a letter, KNUT has also called for a comprehensive job evaluation of classroom teachers to ensure adequate compensation, being that the evaluation prior to 2017-2020 CBA was not properly done.

Read also:

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“The current CBA only favours teachers in administrative positions, leaving classroom teachers with very little increment over the last four years,” said the secretary general.

About the TSC counter CBA proposal, which is already with the SRC, Sossion has accused the TSC of breaching the law by forwarding its counter proposal before finalizing negotiations with the unions, KNUT and KUPPET.

“Before CBA proposals are presented to the SRC, unions ought to have been involved, tabled their proposals, and discussed them. The commission should only present the details of the discussions and their proposals after we have had our discussions,” said Sossion.

Earlier on in October, the ODM legislator wrote to SRC asking SRC not to consider the TSC counter proposal, arguing that the right channel was not followed. He added that the law would not support the steps taken by TSC since there was no meeting between the parties and the consultative committee.

“Section 13(5) of the TSC act compels the commission to establish a consultative meeting on the terms and conditions of the service of teachers. Despite several requests, the commission has failed to constitute the committee, against the requirement of the law and international conventions rule 143(m),” added Sossion in the letter. NEXT

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