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KNUT, KUPPET Jointly Give TSC Another Condition For TPD

The kenya national union of teachers (KNUT) and the Kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, have given the teachers service commission (TSC) another condition concerning the recently launched teacher professional development (TPD) courses.

Kuppet and KNUT have unanimously argued that even though continuous training sharpens skills, the cost should be carried by the employer and not the employees

“We are keen on ensuring that the employer foots the bills for trainings either fully or cost are shares with the teachers. This is because these skills are designed to benefit the employer as much as they will benefit the employee,” said Knut boss Collins Oyuu.

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Kuppet chairman Omboko Milemba maintained that the training fees must be paid by the State through TSC.Milemba asked the Nancy Macharia led commission to include TPD in their budget.

“The main problem is that 6000. There’s no provision in that document indicating who should pay,” Milemba said.

“TSC should now go back to prepare a legal document that led to the TPD programme, explain how the training fees was arrived at and also make a requisition for that money,” said Milemba.

If TSC meets the new condition by the teachers unions, then teachers will get retrained at government’s cost.

TPD classes are already ongoing with trainees certain contracted universities having gone through virtual classes and now having several tasks to do and submit online.

The TPD programme will be carried out during the April, August and December school holidays.

The courses, which shall be a modular-based training, will adopt online and in-person approach.

According to the plan, the introductory module shall be done online. The first module will introduce teachers to TPD and the Kenya Professional Teaching Standards.

The introductory module has five chapters which are expected to be completed within one year.

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