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KNUT launches Countrywide Mass Return of Members To Its Register To Restore Numbers

The Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, has embarked on a drive to re-register teachers who had quit the union through a T-pay portal and to recruit more members

The union, led by secretary general Collins Oyuu, is convincing the lost members that there is no need of being out of the union, yet they remit agency fees. Through all executive secretaries at branch levels, KNUT has embarked on a drive dubbed, “CONVERT AGENCY FEES TO UNION DUES”

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KNUT Trans Nzoia county branch executive secretary George Wanjala said that the union was seeking to recruit back teachers who had left the union following differences between KNUT and Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Speaking during a teachers’ forum in Kitale, Wanjala argued that the relationship between TSC and KNUT had improved.

Teachers should register in large numbers for KNUT membership so that they fully enjoy the services of the union. Doing so will also increase KNUT’s negotiation power when championing for teachers’ rights, he said.

Wanjala called upon TSC to be reasonable in its undertakings for the betterment of the education sector.

He slammed TSC for the discrimination it exhibited while promoting teachers and said that the move led to the mass exodus from the union.

‘The constitution allows every worker to join a trade union hence the move by TSC to deny unionized members promotions was unwarranted.’ He said.

The unionist further explained that the agency fee deducted from teachers is meant for services rendered by the union to teachers and that once the teachers register as members, the deduction vote head will change to union dues.

The drive in Trans Nzoia is happening in all KNUT branches countrywide, with executive secretaries walking with blue forms in schools so that teachers register.

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