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KNUT, TTCs Demand Revision of TTC Admission Rules

The Kenya national union of teachers, KNUT, wants the government to revise entry requirements for the just introduced diploma in primary teacher education.

Through the deputy secretary general, Hesbon Otieno, KNUT has urged the ministry of education and the qualification authority to adjust the minimum grade to C- to avoid the current challenges being faced with regards admission of new students.

According to Otieno, the current grade (C plain) discourages applicants, reducing the number of applicants interested in joining the teaching profession.

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“I think C- is not a bad grade but if you put it at C plain, then get ready for the same challenges,” said Otieno.

Otieno argues that C plain will create a competition with others like health related and technical courses, where one is guaranteed employment or self-employment after graduation.

“ What will be the option for teachers, do they go for TTCs where they are not guaranteed employment or do they go for health related and  technical courses where they will be employed immediately after graduation?” he asked.

Directors of teachers training colleges have also appealed to the government to review the entry grades for the diploma programmes in teacher education.

“The new grades are higher, especially in mathematics and science subjectsa, baring many students from applying. The grade has been raised to C plain meaning that those with D plus will be locked out. As if the grade is not enough, there is mandatory requirement for specific subjects. It might be hard and that’s why we are calling for review,” quipped Mr. Muindi Mutukaa, the director of mwingi teachers training college.

The government phased out P1 certificate and replaced it with diploma in teacher education with a KCSE mean grade of C plain with the same grade in mathematics, English, Kiswahili, one of the sciences, and one of the humanities.

To qualify for a diploma in primary teacher education course, applicants should have a KCSE mean grade of C plain or its equivalent with a C plain in English, Kiswahili, mathematics, one of the humanities and one of the sciences.

Applicants with disabilities should have a KCSE mean grade of C-(minus) or its equivalent with a C-(minus) in English, Kiswahili, mathematics, one of the humanities and one of the sciences.

Applicants for the diploma in early childhood teacher education must have a KCSE mean grade of C plain or its equivalent with a C plain in English, Kiswahili, mathematics, one of the humanities and one of the sciences.

The ministry has called for application three times but the applications received so far are far much lower that the required number.

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