KUPPET Branch Threatens To Strike In January

KUPPET Branch Threatens To Strike In January

Migori county KUPPET branch has threatened the government of a nationwide strike in January, should the government fail to speed up preparations ahead of the January reopening.

Lead by the executive secretary Samuel Orwa, the unionists expressed concerns over teachers’ and learners’ safety in school, despite the October 12th partial reopening of schools. The union officials were addressing mourners at Opapo village in Rongo Sub County, during the burial of the late principal of Oyugi Ogango girls, Martha Andang’o.

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Orwa demanded that teachers be entitled to risk allowance as from January, upon full resumption of schools for face to face learning since the lives of teachers and their families will be exposed to great risks.

The KUPPET boss appealed to the government to avail adequate facilities and water as a measure towards preventing the spread of covid 19 in schools.

“It is the government’s responsibility to provide learners with all requirements and ensure guidelines to contain the spread of Covid-19 are strictly followed and to improve the quality of learning to all learners,” said Orwa.

The ES shifted blames on education cabinet secretary George Magoha, for hurriedly reopening schools instead of consulting on the strategies to contain the spread of covid-19 in schools and colleges.

“The CS should not assume that life is back to normal and should not put lecturers’ and learners’ lives at risk by harassing lecturers to resume work before schools are fumigated,” added the ES.

“Focus should be on learning institutions because learners and tutors are at risk since no tests were done before the partial reopening of schools. The ministry of education has shown laxity in the way they have handled the pandemic,” added Orwa.

Branch chairman, Samuel Otunga, faulted the ministry of education for assuming necessary issues like building more classrooms and dorms to enhance social distancing among learners but concentrating on less weighty issues like investing in desks.

“Schools do not need desks. There is need to construct more classes and dormitories for learners, especially before learning resumes in January next year,” said Otunga.

The KUPPET officials also want also schools to be fitted with modern toilets and water tanks, or piped waters.

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