KUPPET Councils Of Chairpersons, Vice chairpersons Reject TPD Module

KUPPET Councils Of Chairpersons, Vice chairpersons Reject TPD Module

Two councils within the the kenya union of post primary education teachers, KUPPET, have unilaterally written to the KUPPET National office, expressing their rejection of the just rolled out teacher proficiency development modules by the TSC.

The 30-year proficiency development move, which was agreed by KUPPET national office, has faced a lot of opposition from the teachers and branch union officials.

The most recent parties to join in opposing the move are the council of KUPPET chairpersons and council of KUPPET vice chairpersons, who have separately expressed their dissatisfaction with the national office through writings.

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In his address, Mr. Henri Otunga, the chairperson of the KUPPET council of chairpersons, reaffirmed Chairperson’s commitment to have things fixed right for the teachers of this country. Through a letter to KUPPET dated 24th September, Otunga reported that all the KUPPET Chairpersons have rejected the TPD modules.

“whereas it is agreable that TSC TPD is a form of Employee Professional Development programme meant to address specific professional objectives, the Council *TOTALLY REJECTS* the admissibility of the planned program in it’s current design.Best labour practice places Capacity Building programmes on the shoulders of the employer, especially if such program is made mandatory by the employer. As is the case with the Public Service Commission, Public Universities and other government agencies, TSC must not transfer her responsibility to enhance the capacity of her employees to the teachers,” reads the introductory part of the letter.

The letter further informs the national office that the decision was against labour practices and that capacity building cannot claim the entire life career of an employee.

“an employer who chooses to make Capacity Building for her members compulsory, must do that in line with best labour practices by ensuring that the total cost and benefits that go with such policy is shouldered by the employer,” reads part of the letter.

“with the reports from all the 47 branches pointing to a fact that the teachers have *unequivocally REJECTED* the planned program in it’s current design and the fear that this step by NEB to endorse this program is setting up the BECs against the membership, It is therefore the position of *The National Council of Branch Chairpersons* that *The National Executive Board* to rescind their earlier position on the planned program and re-engage the TSC with a view to allow for more consultations on this matter,”

The council of KUPPET vice chairpersons on the other hand recognize that the selected institutions have already invited applicants yet the applicants themselves have not been engaged in a public participation over the same.

The further maintain that such trainings must be funded by the employer after giving the employees a chance to identify their gaps.

The council of vice chairpersons, led by their chairperson Peter Bett, advice that the commission of university education reviews teacher education courses if that can produce skilled professionals, rather than subjecting teachers to a thirty year studying programme.

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