The temperature in the atmosphere is becoming hot at “incumbent surface” everyday as vihiga county gears towards electing the teachers representatives come next year. The incumbent office led by Nebert Isambe who’s the current Executive secretary and Chairman Mr. Wilson Okutoyi are in panic mode after the launch of Ms. Lusiji on 2nd August 2020. The Tigoi Girls Boarding Mistress has already shown strong attributes by bringing ladies together to achieve a common goal. She enjoys enormous support across the county. Now that she has been launched by the right hand team with the household name famously known as “teamSabala” as the organising secretary, teachers will get a chance to see the passionate leader in her.

On rejoinder Mr. Isambe organized an impromptu meeting at his home on 2nd August 2020 to discuss the way forward. The main agenda was to brainstorm on who to face Madam Lusiji. Reliable Sources indicate that the current Organizing secretary Mr. Briden Kidake who has served for 10 years now, initially as secretary secondary strongly refused to defend his seat. “It will only be prudent if Caro squares with a lady”, he said. The sentiments were supported by Bugina secondary school teacher Mr. Chris Lumbasi but strongly opposed by all ladies present lead by Ms. Linda Mudegu. The frustrated Kidake revealed that he might opt out of the race. Mr. Lumbasi might not contest as he seeking transfer elsewhere. He could have already left were it not for COVID-19 pandemic. Currently TSC is not attending on transfer matters: that means he has to wait till January or February 2021. What’s the remedy in KUPPET constitution in such a case a union official is transferred:Just incase he transfers after being re-elected?

Ms. Caroline Lusiji (far right after her crowning moment last weekend) and her colleagues.

The chairman Mr. Okutoyi then requested his BEC colleagues to allow him to bring on board Mr. Burton Ong’ondo to face off with Ms. Lusiji. Unfortunately the Executive secretary opposed the move terming it retrogressive move. He was short of explanation on why Mr. Ong’ondo is not preferable according to him. “Mr. Ong’ondo is my friend but with all the setbacks and our demeaning record, we need individuals of integrity to boost our tainted image”, he was quoted saying. The other name mentioned was Mr. Obote of Mbihi Girls but Ms. Makungu termed him as self-centered, an attribute that could not market him beyond his referees fraternity. The meeting ended without a meaningful resolution.
Also READ:
KUPPET ELECTIONS: Making of a king that started with a phone call.
VIHIGA COUNTY: Tribal narrative hits back against the incumbent KUPPET Executive official.
The individuals already launched in teamSabala are Mr. Sabala Inyeni as the Executive Secretary, Mr. Kulali Francis as the Chairman and Mr. Benson Kidundu as the treasurer nominee. Efforts to transfer Mr. Sabala to Tranzoia County have hit a snag. The coming in of Madam Caroline Lusiji has complicated matters more. There’s a high likelihood she might go through unopposed basing on the current circumstances but time is of essence to see what will unravel in the near future.Ms. Lusiji once served in the BEC as a nominated member for a very short period of time. She was dismissed on the ground on what the current chairman termed recently as lack of loyalty.

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