Compensate Teachers When Assaulted By Learners: KUPPET Demands

KUPPET Opposes Proposed Amendment To Strip Heads Supervisory powers

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers, Kuppet, has strongly opposed the ministry of educations plan to hire professional managers to manage public schools in kenya.

KUPPET secretary general Akelo Misori, has insisted that school heads should continue to run their institutions under the current employment and reporting frameworks.

Misori proposes to the government to instead hire professionals like accountants, psychologists and sports coaches, to assist heads in duties that strictly require professionalism in a school set up.

“To help schools run better, the government should establish a policy for them to hire specialised professionals such as accountants, psychologists and sports coaches,” said Secretary-General Akello Misori.

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He said parallel employment of school managers would take the country back to the days when TSC was constitutionally mandated to manage the teaching force. According to Misori, those days were marred with chaos and disorder in public schools.

“During that period, chaos reigned in schools, affecting the provision of education services,” said Misori.

The Ministry of Education proposed major changes to the law that exposed its intentions to see it take away the role of managing public schools from head teachers.

According to the ministry’s proposal, the Basic Education Act should be amended to redefine a ‘manager’. This may effectively see it hire a new set of persons to manage schools.

Should the proposed managers take over supervision of schools, there may arise a fresh storm between the ministry and the Teachers Service Commission.

According to the proposed definition, a manager will mean ‘a person who has been appointed by the Cabinet secretary to oversee management of education resources and implementation of policies and guidelines in basic education institutions.’

Under the Act, a manager is presently defined as ‘a person who has been appointed by the Cabinet secretary in consultation with the proprietor through regulations to coordinate and oversee implementation of education policies and guidelines in non-public basic education institutions and performs delegated teacher management functions.’

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