Lawmakers Launch Strategy to End Delay in Payment of KNEC Examiners and Invigilators

Lawmakers Launch Strategy to End Delay in Payment of KNEC Examiners and Invigilators

Senators now want the government to set aside a special fund that will target payment of national examiners and invigilators to end the annual delay payment of contracted professionals.

If approved, the proposal would end the payment delays that have been experienced for years despite protests and often go-slows by examiners.

Senators want government officials who occasion delays to be surcharged on cumulative interests and penalties.

The proposal has been fronted by UDA nominated Senator Esther Okenyuri and Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina.

“We want the Senate Education committee to inquire on the steps Knec intends to take to have the teachers paid without any further delays,” she said.

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Ole Kina said the account will be allocated the money students pay to sit for the two national examinations.

“Students pay to be able to take the exam and so the money is there. This is an issue that Knec has become notorious for because they always delay the payments,” the senator said.

“The most logical way is to peg this with the money paid by the students for them to take that exam. Put this money in a special account and budget it to pay the teachers.”

The senator argued that a motion should be sponsored and approved so that Parliament can pronounce itself on the issue.

“Suppose our sitting allowances are delayed, we will be complaining and paralyse everything but here teachers are paid peanuts and are still frustrated to get the little amount due to them,” he said.

Knec has previously revealed that its operations have often been crippled due to funding delays.

Nominated Senator Beatrice Oyomo, said it is unfortunate that results are released and celebrated nationally yet teachers who sacrificed for the success of the exams are yet to be fully paid.

“This shows a lack of gratitude to teachers for the sacrifice they make while marking the exams,” Oyomo said.

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