Leave Machogu Alone, Gusii Professionals Tell Critics of Kisii’s Stellar KCSE Performance

Leave Machogu Alone, Gusii Professionals Tell Critics of Kisii’s Stellar KCSE Performance

Professionals from Kisii and Nyamira counties have thrown their weight behind Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu following a public outcry over the marking of the 2022 KCSE examinations.

Led by former Kisii governor James Ongwae and his former Deputy Governor Joash Maangi said that the CS needed to be appreciated and applauded for the job well done.

“The government has our full support. We urge the President and his leadership to support development projects in Gusii. We fully support our CS Machogu and what he is doing in the education sector,” said former Governor of Kisii James Ongwae.

Maangi on his part said that the performance exhibited in Gusii lands was a result of hard work and serious investments in the education sector.

“The exemplary results we have seen from Gusii and the larger Nyanza region in last year’s KCSE was a result of sound preparation and heavy investment in the sector over the years. We should not be targeted as a community when our children excel,” said Joash Maangi.

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Dr.J Birundu Mogendi, who was also among the conveners of the meeting called for calm and urged everyone to support the CS for the betterment of the learners.


Walter Nyambati, the newly appointed Chairman of Geothermal Development Corporation said that the excellent performance in Kisii and Nyamira in the KCSE results is a result of hard work.

“I can confirm to the nation that Nyambaria High School which came top nationally and other schools from Gusii have been top performers for many years. The criticism against CS Machogu is therefore uncalled for and unacceptable,” Nyambati said during the meeting.

He said that under the stewardship of CS Machogu, the administration of last year’s KCSE examinations was done professionally with the best ethical standards than even in the previous years.

John Simba, the Board Chairman for Sanlam Kenya and Bamburi Cement thanked President William Ruto for appointing Machogu as the education Cabinet Secretary.

“We thank our President for appointing CS Machogu as his minister for education. As a community, we will support him because he has what it takes to streamline the entire education sector,” said.

They jointly appealed to the Kenya Kwanza Kwanza government to initiate development projects in Kisii and Nyamira counties in the spirit of the bottom-up economic model.

The professionals took the opportunity to invite the President to visit Kisii and Nyamira counties soon so that he can interact with the local people and get to hear more about their needs.

The leaders were speaking early today in a thanksgiving breakfast meeting that was held at a Nairobi hotel. The meeting was attended by hundreds of professionals from the public and private sectors.

Among those who attended the meeting were former FKF President Sam Nyamweya, Kisii University Vice Chancellor Prof John Akama, Egerton University Vice Chancellor Prof Isaac Kebwage and Dedan University Council Chair Dr Jane Nyakang’o.

Others were Nairobi Hospital board vice chair Dr Chris Bichage, and Cooperative University deputy vice-chancellor Prof Isaac Nyamongo, among others.

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