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Lecturers Plan Petition to Fire Education cs Machogu

Lecturers in public universities are planning to petition President William Ruto to fire Education CS Ezekiel Machogu.

Through the Universities Academic Staff Union,UASU, the tutors cautioned that Machogu could ruin Ruto’s ambitious education agenda due to “lack of grasp”.

They questioned Machogu’s rationale of advocating for a total freeze on State funding of public universities, a statement that contradicts Ruto’s policies.

According to the lecturers, when President Ruto signed a charter with them, he was categorical that the State would support universities to lower the cost of education.

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UASU Secretary General Constantine Wasonga expressed surprise with Machogu’s “roadside pronouncement”.

“As a union, we can petition the President so that he can be removed. Does he understand that the president signed a charter with us?”he posed.

Machogu had on Saturday triggered a storm after he revealed that the State was planning to do away with funding of public universities.

He said public universities should start planning on how they can raise their own revenue.

“I’m going to move around each and every university in Kenya because a number is faced with financial problems and we are encouraging that they must generate their own income because the exchequer as it is now is not going to continue funding more,” Machogu said.

The CS spoke at the Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology in Nyeri County.

Saying Machogu’s declarations are “misguided”, UASU said Machogu’s presentation during his vetting does not match his recent remarks.

“Members of the university community gave him the benefit of doubt but now he is confirming our worries that he is no fit for this position,” Wasonga said.

The lecturers sensationally claimed that perhaps Machogu could have been “swallowed by the same cartels” he had vowed to eject from Jogoo House.

“Am worried that cartels who influence that archaic policy are now influencing him again. Cartels have taken over again,” Wesonga said.

Wasonga questioned why the CS made these remarks at a time when the presidential working party is collecting views on education reforms.

“Should we still make our presentations, when the CS has taken a position that they will not fund universities,” he said.

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