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List Of KICD Approved Grade Six Text Books Per Subject

The CBC pioneer class will be joining grade six come the month of April this year. In a bid to make transition exercise seamless, the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, KICD, has released list of approved text books in each subjects.

Grade 6 is the final stage of the upper primary level.

The following subjects will be taught in grade six;

  1. KICD Approved Grade six English Books
  2. KICD Approved Grade Six Kiswahili Books
  3. KICD Approved Grade Six Homescience Books
  4. KICD Approved Grade Six Agriculture books
  5. KICD Approved Grade Six Science And Technology Books
  6. KICD Approved Grade Six Mathematics Books
  7. KICD Approved Grade Six CRE Books
  8. KICD Approved Grade Six IRE Books
  9. KICD Approved Grade Six Music Books
  10. KICD Approved Grade Six Arabic Books
  11. KICD Approved Grade Six Art And Craft Books
  12. KICD Approved Grade Six French Books
  13. KICD Approved Grade Six Physical And Health Education Books
  14. KICD Approved Grade Six Social Studies Books

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