Hire 50,000 more teachers: KUPPET Urges TSC

List Of KUPPET Officials Contesting For Political Seats In 2022 General Elections

KUPPET Official Current Position Political seat
Omboko Milemba KUPPET National Chairman Emuhaya constituency MP
Ronald Tonui KUPPET Assistant National Treasurer Bomet Central Constituency MP
Ms Catherine Wambilyanga, KUPPET national secretary gender woman rep Bungoma County
Akelo Misori KUPPET Secretary General Homabay county governor
Mr Edward Obwocha national secretary secondary representative- KUPPET Kitutu Masaba constituency MP
Julius Korir National vice chairman KUPPET Soy Constituency MP
Sammy Chelang’at National Secretary Tertiary representative- KUPPET Baringo North Constituency MP
Wicks Njenga National Treasurer KUPPET Kabete Constituency MP
Zablon Awange Kisumu county KUPPET executive secretary Kisumu central MP
Augustine Luketelo Busia county KUPPET executive secretary Bumula constituency
Justus Kimeu Makueni county KUPPET executive secretary Machakos senatorial seat
Paul Rotich Nandi county KUPPET executive secretary
Mary Rotich Kericho county KUPPET executive secretary Kericho county woman representative

Currently, Kuppet has the highest number of politicians who are doubling up as national office union officials and members of Parliament.

National Chairman Omboko Milemba is the MP for Emuhaya. Assistant National Treasurer Ronald Tonui is the MP for Bomet Central Constituency, while the national secretary gender, Ms Catherine Wambilyanga, is the woman rep Bungoma County. Mr Tonui is a two term MP.

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the push for Kuppet officials to seek elective positions in the General Election will enable them to serve teachers better and also get an opportunity to serve their communities.

The three Kuppet officials being in Parliament has helped teachers more than they could have if they were not MPs, he added. For instance, he said, Mr Milemba has been at the forefront in championing allocation of more funds to the teaching fraternity.

While the Kuppet Constitution does not bar union officials from contesting for political elective posts, critics have accused the officials of neglecting their duties in the union to enter into politics.

List Of knut Officials Contesting For Political Seats In 2022 General Elections

KUPPET Official
Current Position
Political seat
Lucy Machuki Gucha executive secretary Kisii Representative positions
Mildred Ogogo Siaya Woman Representative Siaya Woman Representative positions
Cornel Ojuok Homa Bay Executive-secretary MCA
Eliud Ombori Rachuonyo Executive-secretary MCA
Ndung’u J executive-secretary Nyandarua North MCA
John Njata Muranga South executive-secretary MCA
Julius Taitumu Nyambene executive-secretary MP
Kasimba Ngui Yatta executive-secretary MP
Macharia Mugwe Nairobi MP

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