Breakdown of KCPE 2022 Grades

List of Sub-County Schools Elevated to County Status after Posting Stellar KCSE 2022 Results  

The Ministry of Education has elevated a good number of sub-county secondary schools to county schools ahead of school reopening this week. This follows the stellar performance of the schools in 2022 KCSE exams and the infrastructural improvements that the schools have realized over time.

Among the elevated schools are:

St.Celestino Nyangibo girls,

Masara Mixed,

Migori Township

 Sagero Mixed Secondary school

Gokeharaka secondary

,Kebaroti Mixed

 Taranganya Girls

Taragai Mixed

 Wangirabose Secondary

St. Mary’s Winjo of Nyatike

Juliane Ugari

St. Michael Nyarongi Mixed secondary school

It has been noted that several schools had made requests to be elevated to higher status but only the elevated ones had met the threshold required for elevation.

Among the qualifications, schools were required to have a steady mean score of 4.5 and above, availability of boarding facilities and if the community had also supported the request for the respective schools to be elevated to county schools.

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