Peddle Allegations Against Kisii and Nyamira Schools at Your Own Risk, Machogu Warns

Machogu Gives Guidelines on How JSS Schools Will Be Named

Education CS Ezekiel Machogu has made public, the guidelines on how junior secondary schools will be named, even as the newly recruited teachers are still reporting.

Machogu directed that the Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) adopt the name of the Primary Schools in which they are domiciled in. Henceforth, all primary schools hosting junior secondary schools have been told to do away with the prefix -‘Primary School’ and add ‘School’ after their preferred name.

“For instance, Shauri Moyo Primary School will now be identified as Shauri moyo School (Primary and JSS),” he said.

Further, Machogu has told school managers and officials to facilitate a seamless transition from Primary School (Grade 6) to JSS (Grade 7).

“Except in special circumstances, the comprehensive school shall adopt the name of the Primary School in which they are domiciled,” the statement read.

For the purpose of school fees payment, Machogu said Primary Schools and Junior Secondary Schools shall have separate Bank accounts.

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The CS also said, after Junior Secondary Education, a learner is expected to communicate effectively, verbally and non-verbally, in diverse contexts, and demonstrate social skills, and spiritual and moral values for peaceful co-existence.

“We expect them to explore, manipulate, manage and conserve the environment effectively for learning and sustainable development, practise relevant hygiene, sanitation and nutrition skills to promote health,” he said.

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