Peddle Allegations Against Kisii and Nyamira Schools at Your Own Risk, Machogu Warns

Machogu to Respond to  These Contradicting Grade 7 Guidelines

Teso South MP Mary Emaase has pointed out contradicting aspect of the Junior Secondary School guidelines released by the Ministry of Education.

Emase said the ministry should take action to address the said guidelines.

“Guideline 8.6(i) for Implementation of JSS states that provision of school meals in JSS will be the responsibility of parents or guardians,” Emase said.

The lawmaker submitted her question in Parliament and the Education CS Ezekiel Machogu is supposed to respond through the departmental committee on education.

“Guideline 8 also states that the leadership of JSS will ensure that no learner drops out of school as a result of failure to pay the lunch programme fees,” she said.

The MP urged that the ministry should therefore devise means to ensure children from needy backgrounds remain in school.

“JSS management is meant to ensure no child drops out of school as a result of failure to pay lunch fees, which in most schools is nearly  Sh15,000 per term,” she said.

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In January, Education CS Ezekiel Machogu said the guidelines will provide information that is necessary for the effective implementation of JSS across the country.

“This guideline will serve as a reference document for field officers and school managers in the successful implementation of JSS as a distinct level of education in Kenya,” he said.

The guideline also outlines how school managers and officials will facilitate a seamless transition from Primary School (Grade 6) to JSS.

“It also emphasises the need for provision of adequate, appropriate, and safe physical infrastructure and learner friendly environment for all including those with disabilities,” the statement read.

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